7 years ago
5*Hound, 4* Xanadu and Silencer, So good my 410k vs 361k loses every time
Literally the dumbest s**t I have ever seen. Without perfect RNG letting me take out Xanadu before anyone breaches me AND 2-3 Dodges from Tie Pilot I can not win this match. But sure, this games all kind of balanced, and I cant wait to hear from you misguided believers on how "You need better Fleet units", "you dont have the right strategy", or "SWGOH is perfect, EA doesnt make mistake you just need to get gud"
So please post either your RAGE or PRAISE here and lets get to the bottom of this communities opinion on whats happening to this game of tactics and strategy
So please post either your RAGE or PRAISE here and lets get to the bottom of this communities opinion on whats happening to this game of tactics and strategy