8 years ago
A new ships meta?
With the Phoenix ships becoming farmable, what do you think the new ships meta might look like? It would be good to get more variety, that's for sure. Here's how I'm predicting this will work out:
Stealth fleet: Phoenix ships, Bistan's U-Wing, Geonosian Spy, Scimitar, and if Cassian's U-Wing becomes farmable with the new game mode, then that too... I think the best fleet commander would be Ackbar since most of the ships are rebel, and Biggs would do well in that team
Empire: probably the most used right now, at least the top of my leaderboard is full of this. TIE Fighter, TIE Advanced, FO TIE, obviously Tarkin as commander. Biggs is yet again strong in this fleet with all the target locks going up from Empire ships. Could/will be further improved if TIE Reaper and Gauntlet become farmable
Republic fleet: Mace as commander, with largely Jedi and clone ships. That said I run this myself and since it relies heavily on target lock it's a mixed team including TIE Fighter, TIE Advanced to apply target lock and Scimitar not only applies target lock automatically but also pairs nicely with 5's Starfighter
Although it will be good to see more variety in ship arena, I think there's still an issue with Biggs being a must include in all fleets. He pairs too well with the target lock mechanic (Empire/Republic fleets) and a reliable taunt will be critical for a stealth fleet, not to mention he pairs well with Ackbar who is likely the fleet commander for that line-up. Scimitar is the other ship that's also looking like it will be important in all fleets.
That list is also my prediction on a rough ranking - stealth fleet (a new fleet) being best, Empire in second place, Republic third best - although I do hope the ship arena stays similar to how it is now, that it is reasonably well balanced and (barring horrible luck) any human controlled fleet played well can beat any AI fleet of similar power.
Although it will be good to see more variety in ship arena, I think there's still an issue with Biggs being a must include in all fleets. He pairs too well with the target lock mechanic (Empire/Republic fleets) and a reliable taunt will be critical for a stealth fleet, not to mention he pairs well with Ackbar who is likely the fleet commander for that line-up. Scimitar is the other ship that's also looking like it will be important in all fleets.
That list is also my prediction on a rough ranking - stealth fleet (a new fleet) being best, Empire in second place, Republic third best - although I do hope the ship arena stays similar to how it is now, that it is reasonably well balanced and (barring horrible luck) any human controlled fleet played well can beat any AI fleet of similar power.