Forum Discussion
8 years ago
"Theabyss;c-1407501" wrote:
You're awesome! Thanks for the quick and super detailed reply!
I'm now lvl 53, have my Ezra 7*, working on the others and just getting to gear 7 which the added protection will make a huge difference. Plus ever since I got my Zeb GW have always been 100% completed!
I have looked at your guide, all special character event requirements, and all the current meta according to to come up with what I think is the most efficient path to end game domination.
Still have a few questions:
1) Yoda is good, but not a Meta character like others, so I put his requirements at a lower priority. That being said, he needs 5 Jedi's, your guide+Jedi's I will gather from events adds up to 9 Jedi's, which definitely is excessive.
Ezra and Kanan are a given for the first 2, but what is the reasoning behind Ahsoka, Mace Windu, and JC? None of them are Meta worthy, or have any other uses that cannot be filled by someone better suited from what I see.
I have not gotten there yet, but I believe JC is there for use of his ship. So that is an understandable 3rd. But if Ahsoka and Mace are strictly for Yoda because of the Jedi tag, wouldn't it be a better option to get Old Ben (who is needed for other events, and is now Meta w/ Rey JT) as a 4th, and then either work on Barris Offee (who also has Meta viability) as a 5th or assume you will be close to having GK by then as a 5th?
Please let me know if I am missing any reasoning for not skipping Ahsoka and Mace. But this seems to be the most efficient path for toons that are required for other events and/or Meta worthy.
2) Rey (Jedi Training) is one of the biggest meta toons in the game and the next biggest Meta Leader aside from CLS. So I place her obviously as one of the highest priorities. You do not schedule out the requirements for her event. You breifly mention Finn briefly as being "worth farming" later in the game, but not sure if this was prior to the new Rey. Where would you schedule farming Finn at now?
In your response you said that the Vets are a late game, and hard, slow farm. However knowing they are reqs for one of the biggest toons in the game, where would you schedule farming the vets now?
Given question 1 & 2 where would schedule Old Ben?
3) BB8 - A meta toon + req for another meta toon so this is high up on my priority list. I seen you said to get your Kylo after wedge is 7* in a response but in the guide I don't believe you scheduled a time to get Phasma or FOO?
4) R2D2 5 empires - Isn't Vader an extremely slow farm? If you will be using Ackbar for fleet, does Tarkin have
a use outside of the R2 event?
If not, is Tarkin interchangeable? If so could you skip him and get somebody like Colonel Starck you mentioned is needed later on in Territory, or somebody who has even a slight bit more Meta viability like Death Trooper, Shoretrooper or Krennic?
If he is needed I am assuming it is simply because he is required in fleet, and/or is simply the fastest farm?
5) Resistance for Speed Mods - is the best option to be able to skip over Trooper + Poe and wait to use toons I'll already be getting - Scav Rey (got from Play promo), R2, BB8, Rey JT, Finn?
Thanks again!
1. Reason for those 5 is to get mod challenge done as fast as possible. Mentioned in description that you only need them at 5*, so those I mentioned can be aquired fairly easy and fast. When it comes to Yoda event and getting them to 7* it's up to you to choose from those 9 mentioned. Ahsoka is actually a must farm - she is the earliest dispeller you can get. You will need her for capital ship challenge (5x LS ships) as well as countering Scimitar's retribution, which can singlehandedly kill your fleet under Ackbar lead (protection up each time a ship retaliates). It also prevents Mace Windu lead fleets from timing you out using forced taunt. JC you guessed correctly. Windu - you get him at 4* for free, so bringing him to 5* is fairly quick. If you don't mind unlocking mod challenges and mod shop credit purchases at 85lvl then you can choose GK and Barriss as last 2.
2. Seems there is a huge misconception regarding RJT - she is in current meta, but in no way is she game changing. Some facts:
- - she is very hard to obtain - unlocks at 7* and needs 2x Cantina node farms, 16 energy each - both are useless outside of her Hero Journey
- she is not dominant in arena - I am 16:1 against all Rey lead teams while using Rex(L), GK, Han, R2, DN with only one mod set of 100+ speed on this team, she cna be easily beatable if you know how to play
- she needs a specific team to work well, so you will need every unit in this team to be geared high, it's not smth you should be concerned right now, since meta might change drastically once you reach a level when you can unlock her.
Fin is still the better choice. He can be obtained much earlier - every unit in his team can be farmable early, you only need 1 zeta for his team to work (Rey needs 4-5) and is a better leader for Territory Battles. Farming him should be a priority once you get spare cash in other shops - he works only with resistance, so you need to time farming all 5 units. Vets - I ouldn't suggest farming them at all in this guide. There are far too many more important things to use cantina energy on than those two.
Old Ben - farm him to 5* when you get some free cantina energy, hard to tell when, since you will be limited by other legendary event schedule. You can farm last 2* when you get info on possible reappearance of his Hero Journey. He can be farmed from 2 places, so you don't have to get him to 7* off the bat.
3. BB8 is not a meta toon, he is only meta under new Rey. There are more pressing matters to do before getting him. Start farming Phasma once you settled in with ship shards from GW - all depends on your fleet arena and how you fare there. Farming FOO depends on you - cantina shop doesn't have many usefull units, so you can choose which to farm as you need it.
4. Vader is a slow farm, but you will get him for free anyway - you can farm additional shards in fleet store. He will be in your future main fleet for arena. Tarkin is best choice, because you get him at 4* early on and you will need to lvl him up for zeta mat challenge. He is also needed for DS Territory Battle. DT, ShT and Krennic are all farmable after 80lvl, so they're a very bad choice.
5. Apart from BB8 and R2 (which are dependant on an unknown schedule) you have to get Finn, Poe and RT. They are the core of zeta Finn team. If you don;t mind waiting then pls do so, otherwise proceed as mentioned in guide.
A word of advice - don't plan more than 3 months ahead. Game changes all the time, new units are added or patched, new game modes or store changes affect it as well, so what you planned in advance might not be viable anymore after half a year. It's nice to have a plan, but pls be flexible. A lot of what is suggested rides on your daily ranking in both arenas or raid drops. All of this can fluctuate greatly and you might end up lacking at times. Gear and shard farming , especially from cantina, is RNG based so be prepared for a lot of unpleasant surprises.
Having said all of that - good luck and have fun :)
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