I also thought that but now hesitate a bit with Chewbacca. Maybe wait until you get Raid Han for free?
I think he has 2 hard nodes as well, so I guess its worth starting to farm them. My Chewie needs only 60 shards to get 5*. With semi-bad RNG of 30% drop rate it's 180 cantina runs for 8 energy each, so 1440 energy. So it's only 3,5 days. Roughly around 3 days if you level up and get a decent drop rate of 40%. That's not much considering the benefits of 5* crit mods. Problem is that he needs to be geared at least to tier7, to get it 3* for repeatability. Not to mention IG-88 as well.
I just noticed that I am unable to beat the lvl-75-challenges with my current fleet, so the ships need to be quite strong for this challenge. I think we will have the time for Slave. When we are strong enough to beat it, we will also have Slave.
My RNG is worse and have far less of those. DDL for all ships is 78lvl actually, so a bit of time left for that. Still, getting another 65 shards of Slave I to 5* pushes us past 80lvl for sure. Debating now whether to focus on Clone Seargent as 8th ship for challenge or FOTP. At least CS ship is 3* now for me and he will be beefy, unlike FOTP. Any thoughts ?
Also I expect to get a tournament for Vader's ship some time.
Tourneys are halted for now and nothing will change till middle February, since there is already a list put out there.