"wawrzon;886849" wrote:
I can't predict that zeta challenge strength, as well as how hard 75lvl challenges are, so guessing a bit here.
I can only tell that I have unlocked the capital ship upgrade challenge for Ackbar but my ships are too weak.
What worries me a bit, because Biggs' ship is quite strong already, with my gear IX Biggs and ship lvl 75.
But still not a chance for me.
I now need to decide if I want to upgrade my lvl1-Bistan's ship or farm another light side ship as reinforcement. Maybe Clone Sgt., or Rex. (That weak Bistan's was not the problem. Biggs/Wedge were also killed very quickly...)
Was thinking more about unlocking defence mod challenges earlier, so 5* Windu is mandatory, but can be omitted if you're not in a hurry.
The tier II def mods only need 4 star jedis. It was quite easy for me (Ahsoka, QGJ, JC, IGD and Barriss).That Barriss was my bronzium drop, but if you take your 4-star Mace, should also work.
Probably tier III (def mod challenge) will be much harder, and you need to invest in gear. And I don't want to invest in Windu's gear that much. I want to invest in Yoda's gear however, this is why I want to unlock him before I try the tier-III-def mod challenge. But I understand, if you don't have a 5* Barriss, you need to wait for JKA or invest in Mace 5*. I'd prefer to wait for JKA then. Or Aayla Secura, but I don't like the idea to farm her with cantina energy (needed for TFP and mods).