You need to analyse your leaderboard. I created an excel file for this where I put in a history for each day (each fight a row), so I can look up if I won or lost, and how (e.g. I write "Lando lead - win" / Lando lead loss, Wedge lead win"). Meanwhile I know it by heart.
In my arena leaderboard I have two Chaze teams that are in the top ten. Normally I just skip them.
E.g. you start with rank 16 and on your rank11-13 there is someone you know you won't win (likely), but on rank14 and rank 10 there is someone you beat. Then it's okay to fight 14 and jump over them next round to 10.
You can also plan this further and see how many hopps you will need. Just like playing checkers.
If you are totally stuck and need to fight against chaze, try Boba's execute on Baze (30% more dmg for each status effect dispelled) and finish Chirrut next with Biggs. Or even finish Baze himself. You might be lucky and win, but chances are below 50% probably. Try Wedge lead for a change if Lando doen't work.
What i will try next is do some experiments with the mods. Usually you say have STH go first. But it is also interesting to have Biggs go first, because you can oneshot a squishy maybe, if the protection is not so high. Also Boba first is nice if you have enough potency to cast good ability blocks.