"Malicious;849308" wrote:
What do you guys think is the most important thing to use extra crystals on?
Depends on your daily rank. If you manage rank 1-3, you can use 2x cantina energy and more than 2x normal energy. A better level gives you earlier access to the better challenges and that is somewhat snowbally. So by this you improve your chances to stay top ranks.
Today I was rank#2 so I bought 3x normal energy (+2 cantina energy).
I also invested 2x 1400 crystals on a raid only gear (gear tier IX and X, a Mk V Fusion furnace and MK VII Nubian Security Scanner). Lando, Biggs, Wedge and STH all need this Scanner (lvl 77).
Seems as @wawrzon has bought 6 of these Mk V Fusion Furnaces, also a good investment. But I think 3 would also be sufficient for the arena team.
Also these Mod packs can help (600 crystals is actually not much if you compare the prices in the mod shipments, you pay like 2000 crystals or more for an A-type 5-dot-mod). But this is gambling.