"Raw;910325" wrote:
We should also discuss if tenancy (set) mods are preferable over health mods? Since dark side teams mostly need debuffs, these would make our teams more likely to resist these.
Not exactly on topic in this thread, but why not? I think potency and tenacity are both widely overrated, for Arena at least. Your typical potency and tenacity both are about 30% to 40%. They only
start to make sense when we have tenacity minus potency of bigger than 15%, meaning tenacity of attacked must be at least 15% higher than potency of attacker - otherwise it's always the base resist chance of 15%.
Improving potency or tenacity with mods is of course just a waste, if this threshold is still holding up the effect. Jacking up potency doesn't make sense if opponent's tenacity is too low (it
does make sense against Rancor because his tenacity is 120% (heroic), most likely not too low, lol). Improving tenacity makes more sense against an unsuspecting opponent, so to speak (but he can counter by improving potency).
Even if you get over the threshold, a maxed tenacity or potency set just improves this by 10% which isn't all that much, so you have to work pretty hard to make this work (at the cost of other stats).