Forum Discussion

Rydia131's avatar
6 years ago

Advice for a new guild officer

Hey guys

I am a new guild officer in a 65 mil gp guild. We have made strides over the past year and in the 9ish months I've been in the guild we have jumped close to 35 mil gp. I want to be an asset to the guild and find ways to continue to build on that improvement over the next year. Do any of you long time officers have any advice, tips, tools that could be valuable for a new officer? Thanks for your help!
  • They don't have access to all the controls so they can supervise and watch for people breaking rules or not following orders. I.e. ignoring orders in TW/TB, not following raid rules, etc.
  • Wrathrider43's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Rydia131;c-1700978" wrote:
    Hexen...No we haven't discussed my role in details yet. However, it wasn't formally announced yet. I just wanted to do my homework before promotion. I wanted to pick the brains of players like yourself to see what tips you all have learned along the way in order to bring some new blood to the guild officers.

    I like the idea of the specific responsibilities for each officer! I will definitely suggest that if it isn't delegated to me. Have any of you given small roles or responsibilities to members who are not officers? We have some members who would be great if given additional responsibilities but not sure the pros/cons of that.

    We have an awesome artist in the guild, he makes all the custom awards for us, someone else was helping TW strategy. The one problem is they can get the sense they're above some rules, so just be careful with that. Very easy to piss them off if you bring them in but don't make them an officer and they break a rule, whether by accident or on purpose. Set the boundaries.
  • Hey @Rydia131

    A lot of good advice here. I agree that a private channel in Discord or a similar third party service is essential. And giving direction for territory wars, territory battles, and raids will be part of your responsibility. But the 3 most important things to know as an officer are:
    1. What makes your guild special or better than other similar guilds?
    2. What is your guild’s leadership style?
    3. Where is your guild going in the future?

    Question number 1 will tell you what you can use for recruiting and will help you better identify with your guild. Question 2 will show you what role you have. Maybe you’re supposed to function as a lieutenant or enforcer for the guild leader; maybe you will have a specific area of the game to watch over; or maybe you will be part of a “round table” style leadership group with everyone having a say. It’s important to know so you can be a good officer. Question 3 tells you how you can get the rest of the guild ready for what’s next.

    Once you know these 3 things, then you can be poised to be a good officer for your guild.
  • I’ll give u advice from a different perspective a member. Ur job as officer is to make sure a guild goes in a specific direction. What direction urs goes in depends on leadership and goals. There r guilds that r just about increasing Gp and collecting whatever rewards u get from it and other guilds more centered around competitive progression And getting top rewards for such efforts. If u r about just increasing GP be careful when crossing lines on competitive progression. I left my last because they wanted to practice T6 for 2 weeks without even suggesting members work towards sith teams. I left after that because losing that much guild currency in that Time is not the progress I need. But for majority that r just about collecting wouldn’t affect them just be clear on direction ur going so players know when to leave. And if u have kick policy which is usually 3 days do so. Members get upset when they c wasted spots taken by people that don’t even play when active members can contribute to help the guild as a whole better.
  • "TVF;c-1702440" wrote:
    Another tip: Don't let your members use single letters in place of full words. Immediate kick. :p

    U r not serious r u
  • "TVF;c-1702440" wrote:
    Another tip: Don't let your members use single letters in place of full words. Immediate kick. :p
    yes kick in a game that is dead compared to when it started y late game shards don’t even fight just open app collect rewards on to next day lol.

  • "2smooth;c-1702838" wrote:
    "TVF;c-1702440" wrote:
    Another tip: Don't let your members use single letters in place of full words. Immediate kick. :p
    yes kick in a game that is dead compared to when it started y late game shards don’t even fight just open app collect rewards on to next day lol.

    I can't figure out what any of this means.