"Zumwan;c-2222795" wrote:
Thank you too, Schwartzring
I edited my comment, in my first question I meant Fleet Store, not Guild Store.
Ah, I see.
MSeedy already covered fleet & I mostly agree.
How I did it was buy nothing but the RARE spawns for a while.
Vader's TAX1, Boba's Slave-1, Gen.Grevous, Rex's ARC170.
Each of those 4 has a spawn rate of 12.5-20% v/s most of the other ships which are more like 25-50%.
The store changes only 3x a day so entire days will go by w/o seeing any of the 4, then, other days you'll be on a streak & see them back to back.
So focus on just those & you'll probably be able to spend most of what you earn or start saving some, then, as long as your over 2K each day, if you have a 5th ship that is a more common spawn, go ahead & buy that so your not getting up to 5K+ banked like MSeedy was saying.
But if 2K is your "Zero" then if you get some back to back of the rare ships you can afford to buy them up still & build up again when they get rare for a couple days.
The 2K bank is only allowed to go lower if its one of the rare's, not say, the common spawn your collecting, like Sun Fac for example who, IIRC, has 2 Nodes at 33% each node.