Hey MasterSeedy and everyone! I wanted to provide a general update on my progress and ask for a few pointers.
- I've made great progress on the gearing priorities suggested. My GR team has become my main Arena team (even though in raw power my Geos still rank higher) and my Empire team has seen some use now that Vader has his zeta and has been geared up a bit. Out of those gearing priorities, I still have to increase Geo Spy and JKA's level by one, and my Thrawn is still at G7. I still got stuck in Sector 2 this conquest on two squads that I don't think I can beat, but the Feats will grant me the second chest.
- Since my last update I unlocked 5* Hermit Yoda, 7* Griveous, jumpstarted a FO squad to get me BB8 (using this week's accelerated shards to get FOExecutioner to round up that squad with Phasma, both Kylos, and FOO, FOExecutioner should be done soon), and got all shards to 7* my Ewok squad (Chirpa, Scout, Elder, Logray, Paploo). May 4th will also help me unlock 5* General Kenobi. Other characters that I have all shards to 7* right now (might not be relevant, but listing them as you can't see them in .gg): Greedo, Snowtrooper, Savage, K2SO, Hoth Scout, Cassian, Daka, Rex, Asajj, Clone sargeant, Datchcha.
- I'm close to finishing all the BH I need for Chewie, as Bossk is at 42/100, Jango at 88/100, and Dengar at 235/305.
- My fleet is doing much better, but once I 7* my last ship in my main squad, Sun Fac, I don't know how to keep improving. I am (very slowly) farming Malevolence, and HT is at 69/65 so I could upgrade it to 5* now, and Hyena is at 48/65.
- Current regular energy farms: Bossk, Jango, Hyena Bomber, Jolee, BSF, Vulture, Veers, Wicket (for the gear, replaced by Holdo while her drops are doubled), Sabine. I'd like to add the 2 ships I need for the Millenium Falcon to this list, too (Xanadu and IG). I can probably do so once I finish the JKR requirements. Jolee is at 140/65, and Zaalbar I am currently only farming from Fleet nodes.
- Current fleet energy farms: Sun Fac (soon to be completed), Slave 1, Zaalbar. Anakin's ship is next in line. I'd also like to get started on B1 Battle Droid soon to round up my separatist droids if I'm getting Droideka with XB.
- Cantina farm: FOExecutioner. Next in line are either the OR toons if the rest are completed (T3, Mission), or the JTR toons if they are not (Veteran Han and Chewie).
- Aside from buying Dengar Shards, I've been buying some gear from the Guild store. It really helped me reach my current gear level on several chars. Next in line are Finn, Stark, and Echo.
- I'm buying uncompleted ships when they pop up in Galactic War shop, but I'm also using it to buy completed ships and get more excess shards.
- In Fleet store I'm getting Slave1, Ghost, Phantom.
Some lingering questions that I have:
- Should I continue on this track? What should come after the current prioritized gearing list? Should I try to push for my first relic now? Maybe Padme or Vader?
- Where should my next Zeta go? Options: JKA, GMY, Chirpa (I know I'll need it eventually if I want to get C3PO), Bossk (I know I'll need it if I want to get Chewbacca).
- Is there anything I should do different to take advantage of May 4th double drops, aside from buying as much energy as possible?
- Is it too soon to have a GL in my crosshairs? SLKR seems the most easily-achievable. Another closer target could be GAS.
- Does anything else I've said so far stand out as wrong?