Forum Discussion

CrisRedfield100's avatar
8 years ago

Advice needed :) Sith assassin or Nihilius to 5*?

Hi there,

Need some advice from veteran sith players :), currently running the good old zMaul(L), zSavage, Nihilius, Sith assassin and EP. Sith assassin and Nihilius are both 4*. I figured it might take a while for them to be farmable, so I thought, why not buy their shards to get them to 5*? I’m afraid I only have enough crystals to get 1 of them to 5*.

So my question is: who benefits the most for the additional star? Sith assassin or Nihilius?


7 Replies

  • thx @E00N , Although it is tempting to use Sith assassin her lightning attack every now and then, but then she loses her stealth. Think it's a good idea to go for Nihilius, also because his shards would probably be harder to farm (a.k.a. Baze) than Sith assassin, a generic character.
  • DN is more vital IMO. I didn't go for SA until my DN and Maul were both in a good place so when I zeta'd them, SA had a real purpose. But SA is critical IMO in any sith team.
  • Overal DN since he a universal character, fit in any team, but getting more star on him only increase his HP so it a waste. SA is more sith reliant but get way more benefit from having more stars.
  • @Ig88isboss , I know, I know... It just took way too long for droids to get a zeta. In the meantime I couldn't fight zMaul squads in the arena. In the beginning there was only 1. Now there are too many. So I switched to the dark side myself.... :p
  • If you're focusing on arena, then SA and it's not close imo. Personally I'm not doing either but Nihilus is mostly reliant on his specials and you don't really care about his damage output. SA does significantly more damage and is capable of 1 shoting toons while ignoring prot at high star levels.
  • The premise of your question is wrong, imo. Assuming you are at 20/30 shards on them, the cost in crystals to take one of them from 3* to 5* is 6K. Take a look at the stat difference between 3 and 5 stars and it will become very clear that it's not even close to being worth it.