Forum Discussion

F2FTech's avatar
9 years ago

Anyone using Teebo as your Leader?

I've been messing with Teebo's leader ability and I'm finding it pretty cool. To me, it seems like it would make targeting one toon harder, as they have a pretty high chance of cloaking at the start of their turn. Does anyone think he's viable for a Squad team? or does anyone use him in a Squad team?
  • Teebo lead is easily one of the hardest battles to plan, BUT, it can stealth your tank and leave the glass cannon unprotected. It's too risky I've tried and its not something I'd advise for an attack team, defence sure especially is you're running Fives, Savage or Dooku for that matter it could really work out.
  • Thanks for your input everyone. I'm not sure he'll work well with my current squad, but I think he could work out with the right toons.
  • Teebo(L), Savage, Fives, Kit Fisto, Ewok Elder.
    P2P but tanky and who doesn't love Ewok's
  • "LaLiam;142385" wrote:
    Teebo(L), Savage, Fives, Kit Fisto, Ewok Elder.
    P2P but tanky and who doesn't love Ewok's

    Change Kit for Kylo and it is a f2p squad
  • "LaLiam;142273" wrote:
    Teebo lead is easily one of the hardest battles to plan, BUT, it can stealth your tank and leave the glass cannon unprotected. It's too risky I've tried and its not something I'd advise for an attack team, defence sure especially is you're running Fives, Savage or Dooku for that matter it could really work out.

    If the tank taunts (Poe) the taunt still works even if he is stealthed.
  • Teebo offers more than stealth:

    1) he can remove 75% turn meters on his regular attacks while stealthed - used wisely, this is incredible (I love to spam dooku or phasma with it)
    2) he can remove a buff just like QGJ with his ability, and if he does, turn meter is drained again for the target
    3) 16k hp at 7*

    His damage is not that high, but he's a tank. Hence.
  • There have a few threads regarding good ol' Teebo. Love his hat.

    That said, stealth just isn't anything to sneeze at in the current speed+dps meta if you are wanting to be effective. If you are building a fun squad, he's definitely high on the list. A full 7* geared-out Teebo leading a squad into the charge just makes people smile, even as they beat you to a pulp.
  • can we have teebo apply stealth chance at the very start of battle. this would he more fun AND be consistent with other leadership skills such as speed buffs.