7 years ago
Arena squad advice
I am on a 2016 dec shard, and i managed to climb over 500 but since then theres always been a struggle (600-350 bouncing around there) to get higher, so im going to switch up my team but i dont really know what to, atm im running sthan,wiggs,palp,ezra ive been trying to farm up a little bit of chaze and got r2 to 6*(i also got thrawn at 6* possibly 7* once next time he comes around)recently. If it makes a difference my shard has a lot of ep and vader leads, with very few darth maul leads (ofc most of them zeta'd)
Any advice is appreciated
My swgoh's: https://swgoh.gg/u/kitonez/
Any advice is appreciated
My swgoh's: https://swgoh.gg/u/kitonez/