7 years ago
Arenas Refresh Screen
Hello all?
I’m very frustrated by the fact that it takes 20+ refreshes to you see the lowest rank on some arena screens and sometimes the lowest rank doesn’t show up at all. I’m particularly frustrated because I see this was reported almost a year ago or more and it doesn’t seem like anything is bring done to change this aspect of the user experience.
This game is extremely i’m consuming and allowing this issue ignores players basic needs. At a minimum, it is forcing us to waste attacks unnecessarily.
Therefore, I am urging CG and EA to make a rapid change. The ranks should rotate in a sequential fashion with successive push of the refresh button.
This is not a randomize operation and even if it were probability would dictate that the lowest rank should show up before having to press the refresh button 5x or more. Please fix this “lifestyle” issue And save us all time in valuable resources. Thank you for listening!
I’m very frustrated by the fact that it takes 20+ refreshes to you see the lowest rank on some arena screens and sometimes the lowest rank doesn’t show up at all. I’m particularly frustrated because I see this was reported almost a year ago or more and it doesn’t seem like anything is bring done to change this aspect of the user experience.
This game is extremely i’m consuming and allowing this issue ignores players basic needs. At a minimum, it is forcing us to waste attacks unnecessarily.
Therefore, I am urging CG and EA to make a rapid change. The ranks should rotate in a sequential fashion with successive push of the refresh button.
This is not a randomize operation and even if it were probability would dictate that the lowest rank should show up before having to press the refresh button 5x or more. Please fix this “lifestyle” issue And save us all time in valuable resources. Thank you for listening!