7 years ago
Aurra Sing phase 3 Stand alone mechanics
I've seen different video guides on this strategy with tremendous differences in damage output basically running identical characters and identical gear. However I've seen some do 1 mil dmg, while others do about 700k. I cant figure out what is causing such a large difference in dmg as the teams appear to be identical. I read the "Stand Alone" mechanics in the raid description where it says "that units grant the stand alone unit a portion of THEIR stats". So when it says (Attacker:+100%) offense does it mean 100% of the supressed attackers offense stat, or just +100% of the stand alone units own offense? It would make sense that it's based on the suppressed units stats and that's why there can be large differences in dmg output. I dont have Aurra leveled up yet, but wondering if people who do, know the answer to this question. Thanks