Forum Discussion

MightyTexasBoom's avatar
4 years ago

Bad Batch the only team worth playing with?

So I am new, less than a month - maybe a month in, and I have been playing daily, farming lots for Geos /Padme / Kylo squad / Anakin and Bounty squads are finally getting max stars, max levels, etc and I am slaughtered by much Lower Bad Batch teams (fewer stars, thousands of points lower in power) in every battle. Did I do the wrong thing? I feel like I have wasted the first month, and honestly hundreds of dollars, modding and farming characters that are basically useless in battle. Should I start over and focus only on the Bad Batch characters?
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    If you're that new and already maxing out teams, you spent a LOT of money. That can actually work against you by catapulting you forward and up against teams you aren't ready to face yet. It also gives you very little time to work on mods, so your mods are probably absolutely awful, which makes things very difficult.

    You can still recover, though. Just stop buying shiny things and read some guides.
  • Bad Batch is probably a top 10 squad and certainly one of, maybe the best squad that can be farmed (once Echo joins nodes). That being said this is not a one squad to rule them all kind of game. There are squads they can't beat. There are squads that can beat them.

    Having other squads developed will benefit you in raids, TB, TW, events etc. So not a waste. If your focus is purely on squad arena - you should be going for a GL.