"JDIII;c-1284293" wrote:
Gg is useless in this game. I'm still waiting for him to become viable, but bb8 isn't gonna make that happen. Gg just needs a whole new kit, and so do the rest of the Seperatists. The General was in so many scenes in Star Wars and he is doodoo in this game, but Wedge and Biggs were barely shown and they have way better kits...don't make sense
Every time someone says some grand sweeping statement like "useless in this game" I have to shake my head. Yes, I'm one of the fools who 7*'ed and gear 11'ed GG. Here's where he's useful:
The ewok event: I would much rather have another AOE droid with IG-88 rather than IG-86 taking GG's place.
Phase 2 of tank: I would much rather have another AOE droid with IG-88 rather than IG-86 taking GG's place.
For a time he also helped a bit in GW against Zaul teams with his can't be dodged move.
He has decent base stats compared with any other attacker droid. What makes him useful is not that his kit is good, but that he can be paired with IG-88 as another AOE droid (which also lays down debuffs that 88 can use) and, rarely, he can't be dodged.
If you meant "useless in arena", yes, I agree. 86 over GG in arena any day.