Forum Discussion

PhranxAU's avatar
3 hours ago

What is the reason for owning a Profundity now?

Now that Exec has received a monumental buff in the form of Punishing One, Leviathans need to keep Tie Dagger in their beginning lineup (which is another Profundity nerf).
Sith Fighter instakills **bleep** or Outrider when it reinforces (which it never did when it was in the starting lineup). I've never seen it focus any other ship regardless of what is on the field. I've been refreshing a few times a day to test and now with Profundity:

  • I can still reliably beat other Profunditys.
  • About 1 in 3 chance to win against an Exec without Hounds Tooth in the beginning lineup.
  • About 1 in 3 chance to win against a Levi with Sith Fighter in the beginning lineup.
  • Anything else in the meta, forget it.

Unfortunately the second and third in the list doesn't happen anymore because of the meta.  Profundity feels ultimately useless now as a viable farm.

My question is, what is the reason for anyone to now unlock Profundity?  What does Capital Games see as the reason for anyone to use it?

  • Tenebrae-3626's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Well, it's still very useful, if not downright mandatory for some missions, in TB. But yeah, I agree, P1 is a bit too much. Just to clarify, I have all 3 ships, a 3* P1 and have yet to actually have to face Exec, since the top 15+ in my Fleet shard is Levis (there is one player with 5* P1, but I just skip him), so I'm going off of comments and videos. Pre-P1, the issue with Exec vs Prof was whether or not RC survived the initial onslaught. If it doesn't, you're toast, if it does, you have a very high, if not 100% chance of winning. Now, if P1, at 7*, removed some of that RNG, fine, the Exec would present a better challenge against Prof, while Prof would still have a good chance at beating Exec with the right strategy. But from what I can see, even at 3*, P1 is taking even low star Execs to a level where they demolish maxed out Profs, I think that's what a lot of people are upset about. And rightfully so, imo, considering Prof has higher relic requirements to unlock. Not only that, but it's apparently doing too well against Levi (it already had a good chance at winning, I've been on the receiving end of the Death Star a few times), which has even higher unlock reqs, and now they're reworking the Levi fleet kits, which is a big middle finger to all of us who invested a lot in that fleet, especially toward a R9 SAss. Yes, I know, nobody forced us, we ourselves chose to get her to higher relics, but you can also apply that kind of logic to those who got Piett to R9 specifically for the extra speed in mirror matches when they could have just modified their strategy a bit, or to QGJ and Traya omis, which ended up getting nerfed because they were beating GLs, even though the original intent for omis was so older toons can challenge GLs. CG didn't bother to test P1 against two of the dominant fleets right now, and the players themselves end up suffering because of how they decide to fix it, who's to say they won't release a ship for Prof, or any other fleet, that similarly does too well against Levi (or heaven forbid the next capital ship) and we don't end up having even more of our investment invalidated because of reworks.

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