Forum Discussion

TheJEFFtm's avatar
6 years ago

Beating zMaul/sith trio/nest?

Question in title; how are you beating ZMaul lead, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya, Enfys Nest?

Nightsisters seem like the current best bet for my roster, but I’m pretty light on mods to remod them from STR sets to arena sets, plus my shard is pretty active around my payout time, so sisters tend to get bounced back before I can switch them out during my pre-payout climb.

I’m open to all suggestions for future use, but currently don’t have Revan or Traya, and my own Nest, Bastila, and GK aren’t yet up to arena par. (Ran JTR until the Trayas got too prolific)

I have lately been running the Traya lead counter team of CLS/R2, Raid Han/Chewie, Thrawn, (swapping in imp troopers, JTR resistance, or nightsisters as needed for hard counters to other teams as needed).

My roster, if you care to look to make suggestions.

Thanks in advance!
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