Forum Discussion

frenzytom's avatar
9 years ago

Best Arena Defense Team

We all know arena PVP tends to favor the offensive teams but some teams are not great defensively. What are some teams that people are running at make a good offense as well as a good defense team? I can do fine gaining rank in the arena but always get pegged when inactive or waiting for refresh. Any tips to make a solid overall team? Sometimes I lose over 200+ rank overnight due to possible poor defense?
  • There is no best defense team. All defense teams fail because of 1 reason : Poe.

    Enemy Poe will taunt and expose you, your low damage defense team will struggle kill him.
    And while exposed, enemy team will rip you to shreds.
  • Phasma (L)
    Rey (or FOTP or Leia) - Sid can also be used in the 5th slot, but the first 3 are far more effective
  • "Yendor;89649" wrote:
    Phasma (L)
    Rey (or FOTP or Leia) - Sid can also be used in the 5th slot, but the first 3 are far more effective

    Hey, that is very similar to the team I have now but instead of GS I am running 7* Lumi. Either my server has some great teams or Poe teams are ripping me up. Maybe I can rank up my GS to 4* (don't have him leveled up due to other resource constraints). Or do you think I can put in my 3* FOTP, 5* Aayla or 6* Kylo to bring more power?
  • My suggestion (assuming you aren't wanting to spend a lot of money) would be to focus GW tokens on Phasma until she's 7*. At the same time spend arena tokens on sid and all of your cantina energy grinding GS to 7*. As you get Cantina tokens, buy Poe shards and slowly level him to 7*. Fill the other two slots with your two highest damage toons. Once you have Poe 7*, switch cantina tokens over to QGJ until 7*.

    Additionally, I would go ahead and do all of the daily hard missions for Rey and FOTP shards once they are unlocked (it's a long grind).

    That would allow you in reasonable time to have high level Phasma, Poe, Sid and GS which would be the basis of a very good team, that could soon after be fleshed out with QGJ
  • "Yendor;89724" wrote:
    My suggestion (assuming you aren't wanting to spend a lot of money) would be to focus GW tokens on Phasma until she's 7*. At the same time spend arena tokens on sid and all of your cantina energy grinding GS to 7*. As you get Cantina tokens, buy Poe shards and slowly level him to 7*. Fill the other two slots with your two highest damage toons. Once you have Poe 7*, switch cantina tokens over to QGJ until 7*.

    Additionally, I would go ahead and do all of the daily hard missions for Rey and FOTP shards once they are unlocked (it's a long grind).

    That would allow you in reasonable time to have high level Phasma, Poe, Sid and GS which would be the basis of a very good team, that could soon after be fleshed out with QGJ

    Good suggestions. Phasma is almost 7* after Lumi as the only 7* I have. I will try to get stop Kylo to 7* then and focus on GS. The reason I haven't pushed GS and Poe was due to the fact the current meta has them as must haves and I see these teams all the time. Eventually I want to push QGJ to at least 6* or 7*. Time to grind some GS shards...
  • Lumi and Kylo will fit nicely in this team as you are building up the other toons