Forum Discussion

evoartsinc's avatar
6 years ago

Best Count Dooku Lead Team...

Seems like although he is a seperatist leader, the seperatists are missing something to make his lead viable.

Just playing for fun, I think the best team comp with a Dooku lead is Talzin, Fallen Bastilla, Sith Trooper, and Visas Marrs. 3 of his team mates can ignore protection and set of the heal immunity and tenacity down, and badstilla works with Dooku 2nd only to DR imo. Aside from ignoring protection on her 1st special, Visas also auto cleanses, which really helps this lineup. I switched mods to tenacity on visas and it seems to hold up. I REALLY DROPPED in arena as an fyi, but at 83k power this team holds in the top 300 with teams of +100k power.

Anyone else noticing he works better with a hodgepodge lineup like this as well?
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