Forum Discussion

DogestDoge's avatar
7 years ago

Best Dark Side Squad

I'm currently farming my Phoenix Squad on Light but I'm currently torn about what dark side squad would be good (Arena & GW as well as being usable on most Events). The teams that sounds good to me are:

- First Order
- Sith
- Empire
- Nightsister

I'm a F2P player, that means I have to consider the length of acquisition for each notable character on each squad.
  • "BubbaFett;c-1574811" wrote:
    Suggesting op slap together a squad of zpalp, Zion, nihilus, thrawn and Vader isn't exactly helpful....

    I wouldn't and I didn't.

  • "BubbaFett;c-1575083" wrote:
    TBH, I would suggest that new players ignore arena for the most part.... It's best to ignore it, and do the best with the junk they give you while farming Phoenix.... Short term pain for long term gain...

    Controversial idea mate.

    I ignored the Arena for a long time. I'm now way behind and never will catch up.

  • "YaeVizsla;c-1575125" wrote:
    "BubbaFett;c-1575083" wrote:
    TBH, I would suggest that new players ignore arena for the most part.... It's best to ignore it, and do the best with the junk they give you while farming Phoenix.... Short term pain for long term gain...

    That crystal income from arena is what gets you long term gain.

    I agree, try to hang on top 10 top 20, invest heavily.
    Phoenix will get you there.
    Soon your shard will be filled with Phoenix mirror matches, this is the time where you start working on your empire, because EP lead will crush those Phoenix. As soon as you get EP and Thrawn, go full throttle. A couple of months in the top 10 or 20 will give you a sizeable advantage. This is also the same story with Fleet which may be easier than arena because people are less active in fleet (so far).