Forum Discussion

MorriganCrow68's avatar
9 years ago

Best mods for Fives and Teebo?

I'm about to mod up Fives and Teebo and would like some suggestions. My guild has been no help at all. I'm a FtP player so I won't be breaking the bank, but I'd like to know where to begin to make the best of these toons abilities. TIA!
  • Fives and teebo defiantly potency, fives to land his speed down and get the bonus attack and teebo for the turn meter removal for his basic (assuming you're using him for raids) but as for other stats health/defence for fives to keep him alive and speed for teebo so he can spam his basic and scramble tactics more often
  • I have potency Mods unlocked. Lucked out and got a 25 speed potency Mod and with over 60 potency no one goes without speed down aganist Fives.
    I havn't leveled them all up and he will get 10 more potency when I do
  • (Again, assuming we're talking the Pit here) I'll echo what the others have said. Potency and Speed for Teebo so you can cycle his cloak quicker and land his TM killer quicker. Potency and Health for Fives - he doesn't really need the speed buff as with Teebo nailing TM, he'll get plenty of chances to land his speed-down.

    But a crucial factor with mods is the main and secondary statistics. Pay attention to them. My Teebo has 4 speed mods ranging from 1-3 dots and two 5-dot health mods. I used health mods because one of them adds 24% potency - (more than the bonus for two lvl15 potency mods!). One of his speed mods adds 17 speed by itself. If you can get 5-dot health mods then you might find they're a lot more useful than low dot potency or speed mods.

    By paying attention to actual stat boosts and not getting blinkered by class matches, you'll get a lot more out of your mods. Speed bonuses in particular are really important for the Arena as they dictate your order of attack...

    Good luck with it. You should be on your way to your first 1M Pit damage. (",)
  • @Joeyd7878, I totally get what you're saying. And if you have the luxury of being able to gain and level loads of mods then the set bonuses are a big deal. But if you're just starting out and don't have a lot to choose from, then it's a good idea to focus on the boosts and not the sets. I'm just thinking back to my own experience of only being able to nail tier 3 health mod challenges. Everyo e in my team had them so it became irrelevant. What made the difference was when I started moving them around based on their boost properties.

    I know it will be a long time before I can nail the tier 3 speed challenge. But the fact that I could potentially put a pair of health mods on there that combine for +60 speed means I can still avoid farming Rey... (",)
  • Wow! Thanks so much! I can see I need to figure on farming those potency mods when I'm able to do the challenges. Every time I turn around there's another specialty team to put together and I'm always short 2-3 toons. Oh, well. Back to the grind! Thanks again and if anyone else wants to chime in, please do. I could use some guidance on QGJ, Rey, Leia, RG and Old Ben too.

    Y'all been really helpful!
  • QGJ Speed/Potency
    Rey Speed/Critical Damage
    LEIA Speed/Critical Danage
    RG Potency/Health/Defense

    And I always try for Protection on any other Mod
  • @Joeyd7878 Well at least the OP is getting some good insight from our combined experiences. I can see how your strategy works in the long term - it's actually what I'm doing. I think I just assumed that the OP was after a quicker resolution

    And now... Rey. I will begin with your own words: 'She's viable in all facets of the game'.

    You are absolutely right... and I hate her for it. She's like the full-auto, explosive, heat-seeking, x-ray rail gun that everyone would run for in an old-school FPS: No downsides. There is no strategy required for her other than making her go faster. You can put her in any team and she'll deliver. She is undoubtedly head and shoulders above every other toon as a standalone character.

    That's too easy. To be honest, if I used her, I'd feel like I was cheating. It's not just easy, it's lazy game design. IG86 hits like a freight train but he's a bit fragile and slow. Other toons can do better than her in other areas but in the lists of best toons, she's in the top 5 for everythimg but synergy. That's not balanced. Who thought it was a good idea to give one of the hardest hitting toons in the game Foresight (i.e. the ultimate defence)? This is the tipping point for me. If you're going to make a heavy hitter, give them a vulnerability... and applying a debuff is hardly a worthy weakness. Would IG86 still be balanced if you gave him Foresight?

    Sorry for the rant but I have avoided airing this opinion because the huge amount of (learned, capable and mature) players who say she's overpowered tend to get shouted down and tarred as whiners. She never really poses a massive threat to me as I have plenty of tools in my droids to get rid of her early but I know imbalance when I see it.

    When so many people say she's imbalanced, it has to mean something. Those are, after all, genuine first hand experiences.
  • "Joeyd7878;631336" wrote:
    I will ask you this in rebuttal though. Do you feel the same way about GS? He's just as powerful and has a faster natural speed. With the right mod set up he can hit for 10-14k basic, not to mention his assist...

    No. But I'd feel the same if he had Foresight... Like I said, that's the tipping point for me. Without it she would be in the same class as GS, QGJ, JKA, 86 and other DPS-focused toons. Even then, she'd probably be 'best in class'. You're right that her weakness is her health but that can be mitigated with mods somewhat. However, that Foresight means that your one pokey DPS character won't get to hit it.

    This whole game is a balance of rock, paper, scissors. She's the only toon that upsets that balance by covering so many bases and ticking so many boxes. If the best solution to beating a toon is to use the same toon yourself (because nothing else is strong enough), then there is clearly a problem.

    Anyways, apologies to the OP for derailing your thread. Thanks for hosting my rant though. (",)
  • "SifuSteve;631364" wrote:

    Anyways, apologies to the OP for derailing your thread. Thanks for hosting my rant though. (",)

    Not a problem! I've been a lurker on this forum for many months off and on, but haven't been able to really get down in the weeds about different toons' abilities, strengths & weaknesses. I didn't like the idea of the guilds as I'm not really a joiner and was enjoying just playing and upgrading my characters at my own pace. However, when I hit the point when I couldn't upgrade to G9 on so many toons without being in a guild and doing the raids, I found a small guild three weeks ago that's pretty laid back and I'm learning what I need to do there. I was encouraged to develop a raid team of Teebo, EE, Fives, Rey, and QGJ. I have all except EE in various levels of development, with QGJ maxed out at 7*, lvl80 & G8 but now I'm finding him being a little squishy in the Arena and GW at times. So Fives and Teebo are getting worked on now while I farm more shards for Rey.

    Anyway, I'm finding the discussion interesting and informative. Thanks for taking the time to answer at length - all of you!
  • "Joeyd7878;632500" wrote:

    QGJ is squishy in nature but that can be changed with proper mods. I would suggest that you keep working on him though as he's one of the easier toons to get to gear 11. And with his abilities omega'd he will continue to be a force in GW and arena. But you've got the right idea with your raid team. The one switch I'd make is swap out Rey for either Rex (if you're lucky enough to have him) or GS, as his assist can lead to extra TM down chances. If you don't have either of those toons then Rey is as good as it gets.

    I don't have either Rex or GS (Genosian Soldier, yes?) and have been farming Rey like mad since I joined my guild because I'm tired of going against her in the Arena matches and figured I should have her too. I'll start working on EE soon once I get a few more of my toons more developed. I still need to come up with the different squads for many of the mod battles, too. Work, work, work! LOL!

    Thanks again for your insight. It's been very helpful. :)

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