Well are you trying to make two seperate teams for TB or TW or something or do you want the best Empire you can get under Thrawn?
Before IPD and Stark most Thrawn teams brought Shore, Storm then +2, usually Death and Krennic, but either/both could be dropped for Tarkin, TFP, Veer(Thrawn is usually the only non trooper if he's here, but maybe Krennic), DN and even Palp if need be.
I'm pretty sure Stark and IPD can be plugged in for one of those non-tank spots, (like Veers, Stark should be there if it's a trooper heavy Thrawn team)
The consistent thing across most Thrawn teams is Shore tanking with either Storm or Tarkin helping him. If Shore and Storm are taken, I'd put Tarkin in and another tank like Sun Fac to replace, but it'd probably be a downgrade from Shore.