"Tigzie;817686" wrote:
"cyxapuk;817646" wrote:
"Tigzie;817638" wrote:
Vader for raid boba for arena
Forget QGJ unless you have GK it will be ok for a few matches then you'll think it was a waste
Why? Does they so bad? Offense or defense problems?
For qui gon to be useful and worth the 20 Zeta materials put into him (based on the fact Zeta are incredibly hard to obtain currently) you'll need GK and Yoda Zeta ability also to make the team meta and able to stand up to current teams in arena
otherwise it's a cool trick at the start but a waste of Zeta when you could put it into Vader and be doing millions and millions of raid damage (including viscously high raid dmg in AAT) or boba which just makes him an absolute gem of reviving beauty
QGJ is EASILY beatable in arena even after Zeta without GK & Yoda Zeta the dmg increase is pretty much same as JKA +30% offense and the foresight will be gone fast vs baze or AOE toons etc plus you're gonna give baze a TM boost at the start due to it
(Edited for more detail)
Hmm, don't see a reason to put zeta on Yoda if he will go after GK.
Buff from qgj, then support attack from GK and Yoda will have extra foresight.
I have GK almost maxed and half zeta is ready but my shard is start to be full of baze and chirrut, so maim question how they would be in defense. Would like to see some vids.
So far boba with B2 works against baze and chirrut, but expecting zeta Jin soon.