Forum Discussion

klejkowski85's avatar
2 years ago

Better Match Making

In the last round of my arena, I was placed against someone who has over 8mil GP and 4 GLs, we both had 1 win, there is two other people who also have a win a piece and one guy has around 7 mil GP with 4 GLs and the other guy has close to 5 mil GP with just 1 GL. If these guys knew how to do a better job of making this game better at matchmaking based on GP or something, so many people wouldn’t be getting mismatched.
  • "BubbaFett;c-2417005" wrote:
    "Lumiya;c-2417003" wrote:
    "BubbaFett;c-2416992" wrote:
    "Thorvald85;c-2416975" wrote:
    Yeah no kidding there’s no matchmaking. That was the point I was making. I was trying to say that they need to try and do something about that. You should try reading that more thoroughly next time.

    So "they" should do something to make sure you have a better chance of winning? Why don't YOU do something to make sure you have a better chance of winning?

    You quotet directly and yet nowhere in that quote or the original post does op say anything about a better chance of winning, so where do you get that?

    Now I don't know about OP, but the forums are full of people explaining why they wish for a better matchmaking, and it has nothing to do with wanting to win more. I understand if someone is ok with the matchmaking or disagrees with a point someone makes but to interpret something into a post/comment, that was not said and to base the whole argument on that is not a good basis for a discussion.

    I quoted the Op.... Not everything in a discussion requires having to only stick to the latest comment... maybe you should look at his many times the Op mentions "wins"....

    Quite frankly, there is nothing more fair than the current system of wins versus losses determining how far up the ladder you go but I have yet to see someone post a complaint about "matchmaking" while acknowledging that or even showing the most basic understanding of how the system works.. If someone wants to make a thread asking for "better matchmaking" then I would submit that the onus is on them to understand the current system...

    If we would like to have a discussion about how to penalize inactive high GP heavy roster players that allow themselves to fall down the ranks and how it diminishes game experience for lower players, I am all ears.... This thread isn't it.. .

    If you read what OP wrote, they mentioned the wins in the context of their bracket and just to give an example who got matched with whom after their first round/win etc. Read it again. They wrote something along the lines of I won my first round, X, Y and Z won their first round, X, Y, Z had so and so GP and yet I got matched with Y eventhough they had much more GP whereas X is closer to my GP so why was I not matched with X. There was nothing said about wanting to win more.

    Eta: There are enough people bringing up very valid points about what could be better for matchmaking and why... also why they dislike how it is at the moment. If you do not share their view that's your right, but they gave lots of good explanations one can easily understand and to say that they don't understand the system is also not right. There are many whom understand it perfectly. That does not mean they have to think it's good and that they can not point out the flaws they see.
  • "BubbaFett;c-2417066" wrote:
    "Lumiya;c-2417049" wrote:
    "BubbaFett;c-2417005" wrote:
    "Lumiya;c-2417003" wrote:
    "BubbaFett;c-2416992" wrote:
    "Thorvald85;c-2416975" wrote:
    Yeah no kidding there’s no matchmaking. That was the point I was making. I was trying to say that they need to try and do something about that. You should try reading that more thoroughly next time.

    So "they" should do something to make sure you have a better chance of winning? Why don't YOU do something to make sure you have a better chance of winning?

    You quotet directly and yet nowhere in that quote or the original post does op say anything about a better chance of winning, so where do you get that?

    Now I don't know about OP, but the forums are full of people explaining why they wish for a better matchmaking, and it has nothing to do with wanting to win more. I understand if someone is ok with the matchmaking or disagrees with a point someone makes but to interpret something into a post/comment, that was not said and to base the whole argument on that is not a good basis for a discussion.

    I quoted the Op.... Not everything in a discussion requires having to only stick to the latest comment... maybe you should look at his many times the Op mentions "wins"....

    Quite frankly, there is nothing more fair than the current system of wins versus losses determining how far up the ladder you go but I have yet to see someone post a complaint about "matchmaking" while acknowledging that or even showing the most basic understanding of how the system works.. If someone wants to make a thread asking for "better matchmaking" then I would submit that the onus is on them to understand the current system...

    If we would like to have a discussion about how to penalize inactive high GP heavy roster players that allow themselves to fall down the ranks and how it diminishes game experience for lower players, I am all ears.... This thread isn't it.. .

    Eta: There are enough people bringing up very valid points about what could be better for matchmaking and why... also why they dislike how it is at the moment. If you do not share their view that's your right, but they gave lots of good explanations one can easily understand and to say that they don't understand the system is also not right. There are many whom understand it perfectly. That does not mean they have to think it's good and that they can not point out the flaws they see.

    Except there is no "matchmaking", how hard is that to understand? This thread and almost all of the others like it starts with the fallacy that CG is like the wizard of Oz behind the curtains pulling handles and pushing buttons to match one player against a specific set of other players based on some unknown mysterious criteria... That just isn't the way it works.. It is literally just your skill rating which YOU determine by winning or losing that determines where you sit on the ladder and who esle is around you on the same rung... Even OP started off with "In the last round I was placed against someone"....Nobody is placing anyone... CG has literally told us exactly how it works...

    Now, if people would take a moment to do even the tiniest bit of research to learn the above, then maybe they could come forward with a potential solution instead of just complaining about a "problem" That being said, we all know that solution isn't GP based matchmaking...

    Seriously we know there is no "matchmaking" so just to make you happy and so you can not go on and on about splitting hairs I will from now on put the word in ".... it really doesn't matter how you would call it, we all know what is meant. We get matched with others ny the system, call it what you will it is what it is and this is not the topic! We get matched with others, no matter the name, we know how it works so stop pretending noone knows what people are talking about. Again we know.

    This doesn't change the fact that you interpreted something into op's comment that was not said and then based your argument on that.

    It's exactly things like these that drown out a legitimate concern of players, just because some people decide to make a wordplay out of it. If you are fine with the "matchmaking", more power to you but please let others voice their opinion and stop drowning their voices with word semantics.

  • Whoever made a comment about what I said, my comment wasn’t about me winning more arena games, it was about making it more even for everyone in the game. I’m not a selfish individual like most people in this game.
  • "Thorvald85;c-2417200" wrote:
    I’m not a selfish individual like most people in this game.

    Well that's an odd generalization to make.