Forum Discussion

Chicagotarsier's avatar
7 years ago

Biggs bug returns. Hound bug begins.

Same bug as before. Biggs regenerates protection without a target lock attack. Doesnt always occur. Seems to happen after Vader attacks. Also seems intermittent. I am aware of the requirements for protection regin on biggs and confirmed this on three of three matches.

Hound does not gain protection up for enemy attacks always when it should. Confirmed 3 times biggs primary attack registered damage and no protection up. It was biggs first attack so there was nothing that should prevented it.

Anyone experienceing the same? 3 guild members have confirmed.
  • You are correct kyno. I can only tell you i refresh fleet 4 times a day to fight even thought i am ranked first in shard. If something out of the norm occurs it automatically catches my eye. I will reupdate again after cutoff if they ninja fixed it.

    The hound issue is obvious and happens many times through each battle. Unless you are fighting bugs it should be irregular to not see 4-8 regens on hound multiple times during a battle on an opening day fleet shard.
  • I enjoy this part of the game. Fleet is fun to me and i learn how the AI thinks. To some extent i have a clue and control who is called for next reserve via my actions.

    Biggs bug fixed.

    Appears the hound bug is fixed also.

  • "Roopehunter;c-1640599" wrote:
    Make a video if youre so convinced. Every single sample could be explained clearly by the basic biggs-vader mechanics.

    Are you suggesting that there’s absolutely no chance of a bug existing? Have we been playing the same game?
  • "Chicagotarsier;c-1641807" wrote:

    Biggs bug fixed.

    Appears the hound bug is fixed also.

    So I guess that means we're not getting our video.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    So on this subject: I have noticed Biggs sometimes gaining protection during my turn, when I hit him. I know he regains protection whenever one of my guys gets target locked, but as far as I can tell he doesn't have a mechanic that retaliates against attacks by target locking. He's not countering and critting with his basic, either. Just shooting him and he gains protection.

    What would cause this? I'm assuming it's a common ally doing it and I'm just not putting the pieces together, but yeah.
  • If you play the game you will notice days when CG reloads cantina dozens of times. The biggs bug comes and goes. As a previous poster points out it can occur even during your attack turn. Again asking for a video doesnt mean you get one. It means we are not beta testers for CG. it means we are making the public aware what is going on.

    If CG wanted a video thwy can request it.

    Thy do read the forums...they fixed hound.

  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Winterwolves;c-1642644" wrote:
    Jarvind, my guess is the ship that attacks Biggs had a target lock on it, vader is on the field, and that target lock expired at the end of your attacking ship's turn. Vader re-applies target lock, and biggs gains protection. It looks like biggs gained protection in response to your attack, but it is the new target lock.

    Ah, yeah, most of my matchups consist of me trying to eat through an endless procession of tank reinforcements while Vader and TIE go ham in the background, so this is probably it.