"Kristbaal;c-1652430" wrote:
I hope I´ll be able to get 5* Chewbacca with:
- Bossk 5*g8 (z if necessary)
- Bobba 7* g9
- IG88 7*g8
- Greedo 5*g7-8
- Cad 5*g7-8
With my arena mods if tier 5 is really hard. Do you think it will be doable?
Slowly buying Dengar shards to replace IG88 soon.
Legendary events are usually doable with g8-9 with good mods, but they said this one would be significantly harder than previous ones. You're best bet will be to focus gear and your best mods ( speed-wise) to bossk, then Boba, then Dengar. A well geared, fast zBossk with a fast Boba and Dengar will regen health and prot at a very fast rate from AoEs, and getting his taunt up and frenzy buff ASAP is key. He will take a ton of hits as long as you keep the AoEs and his assist attacks going.
As far as mods go, each toon needs to be set up a little differently.
Bossk - speed set and health/defense set with very high speed and protection circle, cross, triangle ( health on one is OK if it is substantially faster)
Boba - speed set with a potency set, he should be your fastest, even though faster mods should go to Bossk because of higher base speed. CD triangle, prot circle, potency or offense cross
Dengar - speed set with a crit chance set. His AoE debuffs are triggered by crits, so try to get his CC at least to 60%, preferably 70%+. You want him beefy also, since he is your assist machine and you want him to stay the whole battle, and he also prevents enemy stealth. CC triangle, prot cross and circle ( OK to sub the cross to something else if speed is substantially higher, but prot or health is best).
Greedo - speed should be whatever you can manage with either a CD and CC sets with CC triangle, or 3x CC sets with a CD triangle. Protection circle, offense cross. If you can squeeze some flat health or protection secondaries, they'll help his squishy ass a lot.
88 - same setup as Greedo. His AoE debuffs are crit triggered like Dengar, so CC should be above 65% to get target lock to stick. TL is critical to his self-healing and damage, so feel free to sub a potency cross in if needed If TL is getting resisted. CD and CC sets with CC triangle, or 3x CC sets with a CD triangle. Protection circle, offense cross. Same deal with secondaries, flat health and prot are good.
Stay away from % health and prot for Greedo and 88, since they will get about 0 benefit from it.