7 years ago
C3po is not the meta.
Yes ladies and gentleman the droid that weve been waiting for has finally come, c3po. Now, why do i say that he is not the meta? Well, his abilities are great and all, but somehow they just dont fit a...
"CoastalJames;c-1744141" wrote:"Kokie;c-1744086" wrote:"Mr_Sausage;c-1743621" wrote:
Just from personal experience, I have yet to see C3PO make any difference on defence in arena. I have yet to lose to any team with C3PO on offense. I find CLS teams easier to beat with him on them.
Yeah ok
I'm with you @Kokie...what nonsense.
All this "is he or isn't he meta?" debate is nonsense.
Meta is a word - means nothing. Bottom line is - he is one of the new characters who is very strong and has lots of new tricks up his sleeve. End of story. Is he good? Yes. Is he beatable? Yes. Has he made and/or is he going to make an impact on the game? Yes.
Most importantly- is he fun and useful to play with? And the answer seems, most definitely, yes.