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YKMisfit's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Cantina Store Help - What Next?

First off:

So I thought I had everything planned out until I got Boba Fett to 7*. Now that he's done, I'm starting to realise I didn't have a plan for who to farm next out of the cantina store.

Here are my current farms:

Cantina Energy - KRU (using him with a DN lead sith arena team because of his taunt and overall tankiness. His ship is a nice bonus), then TFP, then Wiggs when I open up stage 6 (or TFP until I get Wiggs and then switch to him and finish TFP after).

Regular Energy (Hard Nodes) - Dooku on LS and DS, plus FOTP to get ahead of it.

Guild Store - Darth Maul

Squad Arena - Sidious (nearly done), then STHan

Galactic War - Biggs

Fleet - Ships mainly, but also Maul, Vader, and Wedge when I see them.

The question is, who do you think I should go after next out of the Cantina Store?

I got Daka out of a Bronzium, so finishing her is a consideration, but I run DN lead sith (and KRU) as my DS and Arena so healing isn't really a concern for me.

I'm building a Lando/Wiggs/STHan rebel team for LS so Phoenix is a later goal, and Chopper lines up nicely with Ezra/Hera farming which is still a way down the road for me.

QGJ? FOO? Storm Trooper? Poe?

I know all of these guys will be needed eventually, but none of them seem like pressing needs. I'd really like to hear what you think is the best move for farming out of the cantina store now that Boba is at 7*.
  • Qgj Bistan and foo are all characters whose main benefits are in the rancour raids.

    Storm trooper is good for r2d2 event.

    Ahsoka has a decent ship if you want to farm her. Poe too has a decent ship. His is a bit of a glass cannon.
  • Farm Chopper, you need Phoenix to beat Thrawn and Chopper is one of the better Phoenix characters because of his unique.
  • "phatphil3;c-1462433" wrote:
    Farm Chopper, you need Phoenix to beat Thrawn and Chopper is one of the better Phoenix characters because of his unique.

    Agreed, or go FOO to get bb8. Definitely should consider them as your next two
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    I do plan to get Phoenix down the road (just to get Thrawn and for TBs), but I figure with the cantina store credits I get from farming Hera and Ezra, I’ll get those 3 done together. And since Hera and Ezra are farther down the list for Cantina energy priority (KRU > TFP/Wedge > Wedge/TFP > Phoenix maybe), I can get someone else done in the cantina store in the mean time.

    FOO is the one that I’m leaning towards now, but it’s just hard to get excited about him. I kinda want to get Poe for Resistance, but is it even worth having a resistence team without BB8?
  • You may want Poe for fleet arena. His ship's special lands unavoidable damage on ships without protection so is very useful in killing dodging tie fighters.At full gear/mods/abilities, Poe's ship is also the fastest ship currently available. Bistan also has a good ship that can give time meter, inflict target lock and can stealth, but you will need Scarif Rebel Pathfinder as well for his ship, so Poe is the better farm right now.
  • Finn Poe RT RP ScavRey is an effective team in many parts of the game, so yes it's worth having a Res team without BB8.

    And later on you can have two Res teams with JTR BB8 and R2 forming the foundation of your second team.
  • "YKMisfit;c-1462481" wrote:
    I kinda want to get Poe for Resistance, but is it even worth having a resistence team without BB8?

    I'm going to say Poe because, yes, it really is worth having a resistance team without BB-8.

    Finn, Poe, RT, then pick two out of RP, Rey, or R2. They work plenty well in a lot of areas. They're basically an automatic 6/6 for LS TB and hit well above their weight in TW. With R2, they can do well on P2 or even P4 of the tank raid. Poe's ship is pretty decent. And importantly, he gets you one step closer to unlocking speed mods, which are quite important for arena (and it's possible to beat that challenge even without a zFinn).

    On the other hand, maybe you think it isn't worth it to work on Poe right now since you don't have Finn or other pieces together yet.

    In that case, I'll second that Ahsoka's ship is extremely useful for her dispel ability. She's a decent Jedi (though maybe not top-tier like QGJ), so not a total waste.

    At some point, you'll want to think about putting together a rancor team. QGJ (once you can omega his basic), Bistan, and FOO will help with that (under a Teebo lead; Jyn is a rancor beast, but maybe later down the road). A good rancor team will get you the gear you need to improve everyone else. (And again, where you're at, Teebo is probably a must, even though he's a mostly single-use toon, only really useful for raids.) Some use Fives for his slow (also an arena store farm), but I think Phasma is more versatile.

    I'd say no to Stormtrooper. You have all the Empire you need for R2 (once you get Palpatine). Troopers are fun, but they're a later-game squad.

    I think you're making some really solid farming decisions so far. So just stick with your plan and don't get distracted. Best of luck!
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    Yeah, I think Poe is going to be the next farm. I’m already planning on getting RP in the galactic war store after I max out Biggs.

    This is going to change my hard node farming a bit. I may switch from FOTP to RTrooper as my secondary farm after Dooku and start on Finn in guild store after I finish Maul (who I’m also grabbing from fleet when I can).

    Just got to figure out how to get a 5th to complete a resistance team.

    I appreciate all the input. Thanks everyone!
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    Just finished Poe. Took almost a month, and I'm not sure if that's good, bad, or about what you should expect. It seemed like it went pretty quick, but it's also a character I'm not using for anything (Sith DS/Arena, Rebels LS) so that might be why it seemed so fast.

    I've decided to make Chopper the next farm out of cantina, even though I'm still not planning to farm Phoenix in the other areas quite yet (TFP only got to 4* before Wedge became available so I'm finishing him first, just started Leia in SA but will probably get Tarkin before Kanan, RP and ships in GW).
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    New Spectator
    Going with sith really wasn't my plan until I ended up getting Nihilus in a chromium. That, and not having used sith in my other accounts kinda pushed me in that direction. After all, I didn't want to play 3 identical accounts. That variation is part of the reason I started a 3rd account in the first place. I know I'm not getting any of the legendary characters on their next run, so it's a waiting game for sure.

    CLS and R2 are definitely going to be out of reach for me, but Thrawn is a possibility if I start right away. I just don't like Phoenix at all, and really can't get excited about farming them even though I have every intention of doing so at some point.

    My main reason for going for TFP next in cantina is because his ship is such a big part of my fleet arena team, and staying relevant in the fleet arena seemed more beneficial than getting a legendary character the first time around instead of the 2nd.

    The more I think about it though, I probably should focus my efforts onto Phoenix sooner than I wanted. I'll still be able to get Palpatine at 7* when he comes around (just have to use Ezra, Chopper or Zeb instead of Leia as initially planned).

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