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CCATDT's avatar
4 years ago

CAT insta-kill WAI?

We all knew it was coming. Took my Rey+Jedi in against a JMK team with CAT, and on turn 1 he reduces her cooldowns so she can annihilate my GAS. The thing is, it didn't proc Revan's savior, and there's nothing in her kit saying that he shouldn't be revived. For comparison, let's look at the text of Nihilus' annihilate:

Nihilus: Instantly defeat target enemy. Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target's Max Health. The defeated target can't be Revived. This ability can't be Evaded and starts on cooldown.

CAT: The first time Force Leap is used during an encounter, instantly defeat target enemy and each Light Side ally gains 35% Turn Meter. Deal Special damage to target enemy and gain Critical Damage Up for 3 turns. Reduce this ability's cooldown by 4. If Commander Ahsoka Tano has Shien, inflict Armor Shred until the end of the encounter. This ability starts on cooldown and can't be evaded.

Am I missing something? Is this a bug, or is it WAI and CG just omitted the language about revives from her kit?
  • theXrono's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    revan doesn't revive people, only saves then from death (1%hp) if possible.
  • Blubcop's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Savior is not a revive its an instant full heal
  • JKR doesn‘t revive a toon, he just interrupts damage being applied when the toon reaches 1HP, heals it back to full, then the rest of the damage is applied.
    Force Leap and Annihilate don‘t apply damage, they just defeat the toon, so they never go to 1HP, therefore Savior doesn‘t trigger.
  • "BonScott_23;c-2278242" wrote:
    The point that she ignores the countdown and one shot one of your pg at the very first move! So basically if you face her you have to manage to win in a 4 vs 5 situation. I tried multiple times now and she always do that, this is ridiculous...

    You might find it helpful to actually read the abilities of teams you are fighting against. Just a thought.
  • The point that she ignores the countdown and one shot one of your pg at the very first move! So basically if you face her you have to manage to win in a 4 vs 5 situation. I tried multiple times now and she always do that, this is ridiculous...
  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "BonScott_23;c-2278242" wrote:
    The point that she ignores the countdown and one shot one of your pg at the very first move! So basically if you face her you have to manage to win in a 4 vs 5 situation. I tried multiple times now and she always do that, this is ridiculous...

    Any GL is immune to this ability, so you can use taunt/stealth and such to work around it. If you don’t have one.. well, it was always established that GLs were very powerful, so beating a GL team without one yourself should be hard. I bet in a couple of days/weeks non-GL counters will be all over youtube, if it’s not already the case ;)