Forum Discussion

pvzpro66's avatar
12 months ago

Proving Grounds CAT

After the recent touch up for Imperial Super Commando I unlocked 4 mil GP and have spent the 30 dollars on the Conquest Pass+. I went to do all of the battles today and when I tried to do the battle for CAT shards I was met with a very unfortunately powerful team. I have a feeling that CG has overlooked the issue of how the touch up would effect the already hard battles of Proving Grounds. My relic 7 KRU got one bursted by Maul's attack because the Imperial Super Commando unique ability dealt true damage 3 times with every out of turn attack.
  • I finished it last month at 2stars before I could quit to go for 3 stars. Now I can barely get 1 turn before my squad is wiped. I wish I forfeited fast enough to go for 3 stars last month!
  • @TheEGGman you can try to fracture the character giving you trouble with thrawn. or you can try preventing out of turn attacks with daze or certain characters leader abilities. i recommend modding your characters for speed to try and get ahead of the opponent!
  • @tylescope I can try using a Hux lead but that is the only daze I have that I can think of. Hux lead stops the counter attacks until he gets hit.

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