I´d rather get C3PO to be honest...
Looking ahead, I don´t really care if its marquee or legendary, I only wish we have time and a fair warning if BB8 will be needed for the obvious Rey´s Hero Journey
I have been lv 85 for almost a year now, and completely F2P, so I always struggle to keep up with everything that is going on, but I know the consequences of being F2P so I can´t complain. I only ask for adequate information beforehand to be ready for these events.
For Luke´s Journey you gave us a little over 2 weeks notice with all the toons needed, and they were all accessible in cantina or other forms of quick farm.
SO PLEASE PLEASE let us know if this toon is going to need FO to be unlocked, because I would have to start farming today to have a 7* FO team by the time you release Jedi Rey.
Much appreciated