Forum Discussion

orbital96's avatar
8 years ago

Chaze is broken, especially with Rex



Please let us know if this is WAI.

The player in the picture dropped in rank but this team is able to beat fully decked out G11 / 85 teams and fight for rank 1 daily with little to no issues. A few days ago, he had less stars and less gear and still did the same thing.

Rex lead and Chaze / R2 / Nihilus of course.

Let me see how people can defend this.

Really, I want to see it.

Edit: This is a call that either the AI is truly that laughably bad to the point that getting G11 isn't even required, and, or, Chaze / Rex is absolutely and unbelievably broken. I have yet to see any other comp that can pull this off with such disadvantages.

This player has no zetas, mediocre speed mods, average gear and also suffers an entire 5 level disadvantage.

"Josh_K;c-1103847" wrote:
Nute was nerfed because it trivialized both monetary and time investments. Sub leveled, sub starred, sub modded and no zeta teams trivializing high investment teams with multiple zetas, mods maxed gear etc. should fall in the same category IMO.

"Jedi_Reach_;c-1103850" wrote:
"Josh_K;c-1103847" wrote:
Nute was nerfed because it trivialized both monetary and time investments. Sub leveled, sub starred, sub modded and no zeta teams trivializing high investment teams with multiple zetas, mods maxed gear etc. should fall in the same category IMO.

This is the most shocking part to me.

The fact that using certain characters and compositions, you don't even need to put any real investment and still come out on top. Some folks like to say, "Oh, boo hoo, you can't nerf them because people paid for them!"

Well -- what about the rest of us who paid for getting to G11, getting 7 stars, grinding and raiding, developing strategies and the like?

Guess we don't matter?

Guess we can all just grab a Chaze and Rex (now FTP) and who cares about stars. Who cares about gear. Who cares about investing anything when we can just steamroll with something this broken.

  • "ArHan;c-1105751" wrote:
    "Jedi_Reach_;c-1105747" wrote:
    "ArHan;c-1105738" wrote:
    "Jedi_Reach_;c-1105726" wrote:
    David, my guildie, is the real Chazelord on our shard :lol:

    Haven't gone against David yet, no sir lol

    It's a pain lol. Beatable but a pain.


    xD ^__^
  • @Jedi_Reach_

    Hey, not sure if anybody suggested this in the thread or not, but I've found that Boba Fett with a full Bounty Hunter team is a great counter with Chaze. Chaze needs alot of burst damage to take down Baze.

    I use: Boba (L), Zam, Greedo, IG-88, and Dengar all 7* non modded in GW whenever I run into a Chaze team (usually they are G8 or 9) and I usually destroy the team they are with.

    The real trick is the debuff the hell out of them and let Chirrut turn all the debuffs into buffs. They should have over 8 buffs on all toons. Have Boba use execute on Baze and you should knock his health down too like 25% even if he was at full protection. I've had alot of luck with this team in my GW's. I don't run into him alot in my Squad arena because I usually park myself around the 500 to 1000 range but in theory if it works in GW then it should work on an assault in Squad. I wouldn't use the team above to defend though. AI plays the@Jedi_Reach_

    Hope this helps!
  • @Jedi_Reach_ - Report this guy. Really, there is no way that team should win on offense. Undergeared and I'm assuming terrible mods. There is no WAY that team should be winning on offense against a full 85 GXI deck unless he refreshes to the hilt and waits for RNGesus to bless him with the W.

    Again, no way I think it's legit.
  • I'm not buying it.

    EDIT - IF this is legit, then Chaze really does need a rework. I spent money on them and even I will acquiesce that Chaze needs a ground up rework. That's ridiculous.
  • "pac0naut;c-1105857" wrote:

    EDIT - IF this is legit, then Chaze really does need a rework. I spent money on them and even I will acquiesce that Chaze needs a ground up rework. That's ridiculous.

    Yep, this is what this duo can do now. It's a Nute double standard.
  • Everything here is overpowered, not only Chaze.
    I have much more concerns about Nihilus who is now almost mandatory (especially to kill a Baze - so Nihilus isn't less useful there) since Nihilus totally breaks game's rules i.e. He's the only toon who doesn't rely on damages but literally kills anybody with no way to resist nor avoid.

    Baze & Chirrut are powerful but they're not unbreakable and even if they're a pain to kill they don't cheat with rules. A DT, a well placed shock or even Boba can pretty much get rid of them, a single Dooku under a Nihilus lead can kill both of them singlehandly. Nihilus lead totally ruins their health management.

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