"VonZant;c-1662419" wrote:
"Smapty;c-1662335" wrote:
"Smapty;c-1661184" wrote:
I’m having good success with CLS (L), Han, Chewie, L3 & Thrawn...
It beats everything pretty easily on offense and I haven’t been falling much at all overnight...
Quoting myself.... how narcissistic :(
Here’s a good video of how this team ideally works vs Traya squads (the guy I’m figtining has Thrawn moving at +152 speed)
Good stuff. Since I know you are a scoundrel fan, have your tried Young Han in place of Thrawn or L3? Once he gets prepared there are a lot of triple hits, but not sure if extra damage is worth it over tank or fracture.
I’ve tried a lot of variations... Young Han can certainly be nasty...
But he’s much better suited to a Q led team... he really shines with Q and Vandor and some other scoundrels to make things interesting (I’m looking at you big Z)
The only viable exchange in this team is to use Vandor Chewie instead of Thrawn vs Bastilla (if you just want to click auto and win)
Otherwise you just detract from their overall effectiveness... from my experience at least ?
(Hopefully I’m wrong and something else I haven’t even thought of is way better)