I cba to read the entire thread but important things to note for Squad Arena:
-Your shard/server is based on when you start, most highly active people get into the top 200.
-On your arena shard/server your payout for the prizes can be at different times to other people on the server, although some will have the same. (This is because people on shards are from across the world not just a specific country and is usually 6pm for their time zone.)
-Relating to previous point, try your best to climb in the hour or two before your payout. As to not waste your 5 battles only to be knocked down by others on different payouts. You'll find less Resistance unless there is a lot of people in your timezone on your shard.
-You can usually find a shard chat on Discord for your specific shard. This allows communication between your shard mates and occassionally teamwork on staying top in Arena (this is usually top 50/20 in my experience.
I believe the website Crouching Rancor has a tool to help you find this shard chat.
-Also Crouching Rancor is a nice site with tools n stuff.