8 years ago
Clone helmets "Theory"
I was wondering why they didnt include helmets. One of the devs stated there was a reason but was kinda vague. I dont think its a coding issue but im thinking they will eventually introduce 501st/Vad...
"Ig88isboss;954389" wrote:"PapiBlanco;954382" wrote:"War;954375" wrote:"Ig88isboss;954365" wrote:"PapiBlanco;954336" wrote:"Ig88isboss;954154" wrote:"Allenb60;954153" wrote:"SnakesOnAPlane;954124" wrote:
While I'd welcome an option to change skins on our toons, I just don't really get why folks have orgasms over these helmets?
They just look sooo cool
Also this is a fighting game. Why didn't they bring their most important piece of armor??
same reason storm trooper Han isn't wearing a helmet, so that we as players can see their faces. Again I bring up my jawas point, each and every one of them is distinguishable from their weapons and armor, but I guarantee you half of the people on the forums can't tell the difference between the character model of dathacha and Jawa. This is exactly how it'd be with the clones. I mean at least now you can tell the difference between a few of the current clones based off of their face alone, if there were helmets it'd be "the green one, the yellow one, and the 3-4 blue ones" now it's currently the green one, the yellow one, the bald one, the one with a giant 5 (which I know isn't visible enough to see) on his face and the other one. I get that they are clones and look alike but if they have helmets they'd be nearly indistinguishable to the untrained eye
Have you seen their helmets?? They all look much much different from each other. I can't tell any difference in their faces unless I look at them for 10 minutes (they're clones....)
The difference is facial differences are easier to spot and recognize than helmet features. Sure some people, like I'm sure those fighting for helmets, will be able to recognize them on the spot. Others like he said will just see green helmet, yellow helmet, blue helmet 1, blue helmet 2, and blue helmet 3.
Basically more people learn to recognize the minor facial details, than would be able to learn the helmets on the fly. So it makes more sense to have them without helmets.
Exactly if going up against clones only 2 look the same, with helmets 3 would look the same along with any future released ones that have a matching color similar to the previous ones. On top of this @Ig88isboss still never mentioned that I brought up the jawas, who all have armor that has major differences, but is still hard to tell the difference between them.
Do a Google search on each of their helmets.
And you guys do realize Cody and echo have the same exact model.... It's just an excuse for cg to be lazy so they can Ctrl c Ctrl v all the faces.