Forum Discussion

RockyBalboa814's avatar
9 years ago

Clone Users REJOICE!!!

Sooooooo I'm super stoked about the Anakin Re-work!!?!?!?!?!. Iv been using clones from the very start and I feel like this is the answer we have been looking for. With his new tool set I feel like Clones can now easily be a top 10 arena team with anakin lead. So let's throw some teams together. I was thinking

Anakin (L)
Now the 5th slot is where I'm completely torn I'm thing 4 solid possibilities here. RG of courses Leia, Phasma or maybe even Plo Kloon becomes a solid choice here.

Super pumped for The new Anakin, what are you guys thinking Would be good combo now with this awesome curve ball EA has given us

3 Replies

  • I think that the loss of health and tm gain will negatively impact clones. Maybe:
    Anakin (L)
  • Interesting thought loseing TM and health boost from Rex lead is something to be missed but I don't feel like 30% offense 20% crit with advantage up when u are evaded is enough for me to want to jump shot on Rex lead. Granted There is no way to tell for sure till this actually happens but on paper Anakin would do wonders for Clones Espically Clone Sarge
  • In arena if your squad of clones with anakin faces sidious, sidious will sumon order 66 and clones will just shoot anakin