Forum Discussion

WoEsTy's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Could use some advice

Hello everyone

I have many questions.
But before i start could anyone have a look at my rooster & tell me how i am doing and what would be the best way to keep working on (toons, squads, mods & fleets). I’ve been experimenting with grand ivory for mods but I don’t think i made some very wise decisions;)

I dont want to be first in sq arena. I want to keep working on my fleet so i can aim for top 10 and keep doing well in tw & gac. Thank you all

7 Replies

  • WoEsTy's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 years ago
    Thanks. I am far from unlocking 1 of the capital ships you mentioned+pilots. I will keep that in mind as my goal ;) tarkin will have do to for the moment then.
  • Tarkin + Empire can work pre-GET2 though you'll need Tie Bomber, Gauntlet and Palpmobile along with TAx1 to unlock its full potential.

    Slave 1 may seem good early on but rapidly loses its appeal and doesn't really get good until you have Executor.

    Tarkin + Geos would give you a path to Malevolence which is viable offensively at 5-stars and a solid g11/g12 Geo squad makes you attractive to DS Geo TB-capable guilds to acquire the GET2 currency needed to unlock Mal.
  • "WoEsTy;d-252547" wrote:
    Hello everyone

    I have many questions.
    But before i start could anyone have a look at my rooster & tell me how i am doing and what would be the best way to keep working on (toons, squads, mods & fleets). I’ve been experimenting with grand ivory for mods but I don’t think i made some very wise decisions;)

    I dont want to be first in sq arena. I want to keep working on my fleet so i can aim for top 10 and keep doing well in tw & gac. Thank you all

    I hope none of us are willing to look at your rooster.
  • If you want to stay in top-10 of fleet arena you'll have to find a stronger guild - one that does Geonosis TBs instead of Hoth TBs. You're going to need that GET II to acquire Malevolence (and Negotiator). Your new guild will also farm hSTR and Traya which will help you against Geonosian teams in GAC
  • WoEsTy's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 years ago
    Thx dor the input. I like the guild so i will not change, i will get there some day;)

    So even with my current ships you would advise to start farming geo’s? I did not work on them at all…:(

    And what about some some squads i could work for gac? Any advice on that?
  • WoEsTy's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 years ago
    Thanks, did not see this page before. Thank you very much for sharing