"CG_RyDiggs;c-1319508" wrote:
Q: Also, since the definition of an 'encounter' is still a little foggy, are we to understand that these stacks will reset in between the phases of a raid, as well as in-between each battle of a DS node, Cantina node, or an event?
A: for clarity: an "encounter" is one fight with one party of units, and ends with a scene transition so like, a mission on the Light Side table is one Battle comprising three Encounters. One fight in galactic war is a Battle of a single Encounter.
like, daka's health buff lasts for the rest of one Encounter, not one Battle (i.e., it doesn't last all the way until you finally win or lose the whole thing, just until you're done with the current wave)
@CG_RyDiggs Do you mind clarifying this a little further? There seems to be some confusion about how long Asajj's zeta will actually last, since there is some inconsistency with how the phrase "encounter" is handled with other abilities. For example, we have the abilities of Nihilus and BB-8 that start the encounter on cooldown, but does not reset when transitioning between battles (i.e. finishing a wave in a mission does not restart the cooldowns); we also have Darth Maul's ability that does carry over between waves; and lastly we have Sidious's leader which uses the phrase "battle" and the bonuses do not carry over.