Forum Discussion

KenoBrice's avatar
6 years ago

Dark Revan team on Sith Raid

Hi everybody,
What is the best Dark Revan team for the Sith Raid?
I can not get any good results! Depressing!
  • p3 5m+ DR bsf hk assa mara (you need offensive mods on DR to one shot the swords with AOE lightning) and bring one before to 1-49% to get the Deathmark on her and happy snipe with hk and burst with mara
  • didnt ran it much, but it seems random.
    did 6M, 5.8M, 6.2M. 6.2 is obviously my best. anyway its just a SE squad : DR, Bast, HK, Marauder, SA.
    the best trick you can try to do is to do 2 AoEs together, HK and DR. one will bring them to under 50%, the other bring them to die. then you have topple when Traya deathmarked. thats the only thing that can really increase damage there. and ofc strong marauder with standalone and lot of debuffs on the team, can deal amazing damage in single special.
    but as far as i know, there's no real tactic or something reliable..
    adding screenshot for damage (1 standalone SM, 1 standalone when DR and Bast survived only, and DR did standalone)
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I've managed around 2.5 mil against Sion, which isn't too bad. I've never been able to get the team to work properly against Traya - per usual, I assume the problem is "mOaR sPeEd."