8 years ago
Death trooper in arena?
I run Zader, zoba, dN, Shore, an B2 in arena. I'd like to replace B2, but I lose when I take him out. Is DT up to the challenge? I have him at 7*, but haven't invested gear yet. Thanks https:...
"TheChosenOne77;c-1098943" wrote:
Zavage could be mighty in that squad.
"Gaidal_Cain;c-1098953" wrote:"Nebulous;c-1098920" wrote:
Having run Vader since he got his zeta, I have a krap ton of experience using him and I've used DT since he came out too.
My first question would be, what ranking are you currently sitting at? That makes a difference to teams you face.
Additionally, dt's double tap vs rebels is so dang good right now. Wedge, Biggs, r2, baze, chirrut and new ahsoka are all rebels and daze/stun is powerful.
That all being said, to run an extremely effective zVader, you need the core 3: zVader, Sass, DN. Get sass as fast as you can (mine is 276). Get Vader as fast as you can and keep his crit chance about 35%. Have dn at .76% of sass speed (round down) so you can always have Vader move first then dn follow with all those tasty dots on everyone. Now for the +2. Tanks are needed. Shore can work, but not the best. Gk and sith trooper are 2 I leave in overnight. Mostly I run: Vader, sass, dn, gk +1. The +1 is usually sith trooper, dt or tarkin. Dt punishes rebels. Trooper is great when battleing mauls for extra taunts and tarkin is for when I want to have fun.
263 is the fastest I can get my SA @Nebulous
I would still get outsped by some zQGJ teams and zMaul teams of course.
Does that strategy still work even if SA doesn't make the first move?