Forum Discussion

Travissimo83's avatar
7 years ago

Devoted Protector Zeta Clarification / Possible Bug

Hello SWGOH Universe,

Recently, I obtained Old Ben’s Devoted Protector zeta ability, but I’m not seeing the effect carry out in game play as I had thought it was supposed to. The description of the zeta states, “When this taunt expires, Old Ben gains taunt for one turn.” I took this to mean that when Old Ben is attacked by an ability that would remove taunt, he would then gain it back for another turn. This is not what is happening in arena when I use this ability. For example; facing CLS or Nihlus buff removal causes Ben to lose taunt and he does not regain it back. Am I misreading the description of Devoted Protector or is this perhaps a bug in the game? Honestly, if Ben can’t regain the taunt even with the zeta due to certain buff cleanses, I wish I could have my zeta mats back.

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