Not a fracture, but something that cab be usefull to defeat meta teams.
I'm not talking to hold on defense, just to win on offense and so a pure /mix FO team can add to the meta teams.
I am having success against CLS teams with a mix of zzKRU zFOST Zylo thrawn and solo / zFOTP, (not using zylo aoe, if used FOST or KRU are dead in turn 1) on offense, but for example against a GK / zarris team with nihilus is imposible because zarris keeps cleaning nihilus from stun every turn and he is never stunned. You can take out solo / FOTP and put nihilus in, but again your nihilus is stunned way more ofen than his and he anihilates first.
Technicaly if you have in your team zylo (stun almost every turn) KRU (2 turns stun) solo (stun every 2 turns) thrawn (fracture) you should keep control of the battle, but that is almost impossible with amost every meta team.
That is why he needs something else or FO will never be part of arena meta.