Forum Discussion

singernixon's avatar
8 years ago

Easy alternative to Chirpatine... Dathchatine.

I haven't seen this anywhere else. I'm f2p and I do not have Chief Chirpa. But, I do have Dathcha. Looking at his Lead, it says "whenever an ally damages a droid, ... 25% chance to remove 25% TM." So, I made a team of Dathcha g8 (L), EP g8, TFP g9, Chewie g7, STH g11 for P3 of AAT. Working just like you would for Chirpatine, shock all of the droids with EP's basic. Nearly every time you attack the Rocket droid, you remove 25% TM from them. They never get another turn. You don't have to keep them stunned. Only the Rocket droid and the tank ever attack. It ends up working as good or better than Chirpatine. And Dathcha is an easier farm than Chirpa. Try it. It's awesome.
  • "Dryff;c-1240780" wrote:
    This team works well, but not quite as well as Chirpatine. But it's been like 6 months since I've tried Dathcha for the lead, so maybe there are strategies now that could work. Thrawn would probably improve this as well if you fracture the B2.

    I could see this team soloing p3:

    Dathcha (L)
    Royal Guard
    STHan (zeta)

    I've never even heard of Chirpatine soloing P3. I was going for easily farmed characters. You don't need RG. Dathcha and EP can stun long enough to get the droids shocked. Then it's just RNG. And TFP's unique gives him TM, too. So him and EP take turn going multiple times.
  • I use dathcha, tfp, sthan at g10, jawa at g9 and nebit at g8 all of them with leftover mods doing between 500 and 700k depending on rng on haat
  • Teebo, TFP, Chewbaca, EE, Tarkin does about 800,000 in HAAT with ok mods. Did more than a millón on AAT.

    Unless you are doing above a millón on AAT these builds don't work for HAAT.
  • I ran it on AAT. My guild isn't ready for HAAT. I did 686K. I would run Sun Fac instead of Chewie, but hes only 4*, and I needed another tank. Only STH is really geared. I did this on a whim out of curiosity.
  • I do around 700k with my dathcha lead team. I use RG instead of Chewie for the stun.
  • The best I've scored with Chirpa(L), EP, Thrawn, ST Han & Shoretrooper is about 2,200. A guildie used a similar line-up but with Sun Fac and RG tanking instead of ST Han & Shoretrooper for about 2,500. I'm fairly confident that subbing in Datcha won't allow it to be solo'd but happy to be put right if it can!