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mykdapet's avatar
New Novice
3 years ago

Exec mirror help

Can someone pkease explain this?

Exec mirror match. Ht rz and xb. Msin difference i have bossk at rz 7 other is r5.

Reinforcements are both fett and ig. I have falcon and bomber which never come out. He has interceptor and ebon hawk. Int comes out on occasion hswk ive seen 2x in about 15 fights.

His piett was 335 to my 331 and all seemed even. He redid his to 318 and he nearly always goes first now and even when i go first he always outspeeds me to the death star and im done.

What am i missing here? Are unused reinforcements affecting the fight or is it something else?
  • A - are you both R8? If not he may have recently upgraded Piett to R9 and that's why he's always beating you to first turn.

    B - if not A, then do you have all 6E or better mods on Piett? Does he? This also affects the final ship speed.

    C - always call in Ebon as your first reinforcement. You'll massively delay their ultimate and hopefully get to yours first. Use Ebon's basic only to grant an ally 15% TM with each hit. If he calls in Boba you can use the middle special to cleanse the buffs off Boba but it's usually not needed. Only use the third ability if you need to reapply chaff to your team.
  • It’s actually an easy win if they go first! An R9 enemy Piett, let’s you control turn order because the AI is fairly predictable.
    You want your XBlood faster than your RCrest —> this is essential if you want to avoid RNG.
    —> This roughly equates to Cad Bane being 1 relic level higher than BAM + having 2 more 6E.mods than BAM e.g. R7 Cad Bane with full 6E vs R6 BAM with x4 6E x2 5A.
    —> You need Ebon Hawk.
    Starting lineup = HT, XB, RC
    Usually they Nuke your RCrest, this makes your HT gain TM and move next. Target their HT and taunt. Next heal your RCrest. Your next move is to use your XBlood to call an assist from your RCrest on their XBlood. This will mark it. Next —> your RCrest calls XBlood to kill their XBlood.
    First reinforcement = Ebon Hawk.
    It should be an easy win from this point!
  • SlipperyPete96's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Was going to note the same. Character speed doesn't translate to the ship. Does your Piett have all abilities upgraded along with 6 dot mods?

    I use my RC to mark anyone other than HT since he'll cleanse and hope that I can reach Ultimate first.
  • Both R8 Execs, 192, my rc/xb is 180/181, his 179/180
    (someone told me at even speed exec's Pietts speed factored in)

    He is not using his EH until after the death star comes out.

    This is what's puzzling me.there no indication from the ships at all of any real difference, but somehow he hits harder/faster.
  • crzydroid's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    "cboath7;c-2350792" wrote:
    Both R8 Execs, 192, my rc/xb is 180/181, his 179/180
    (someone told me at even speed exec's Pietts speed factored in)

    He is not using his EH until after the death star comes out.

    This is what's puzzling me.there no indication from the ships at all of any real difference, but somehow he hits harder/faster.

    If you're tied for speed, it's a coin flip who goes first, but you could of course have bad streaks where you go second many battles in a row.

    If he's going first, he may be hitting RC contract first, which would give his ships a boost over yours.

  • If you go second then your tooth will go first after enemy executor does it’s aoe. When it’s your turn (tooth) focus enemy tooth first with your HT. Use his special. Then it’s your executor turn and focus aoe on enemy RC. First reinforcement should be IG. Always call assist IG and use his basic always. The double tapes get you ahead in contract faster. Second reinforcement is boba. By this time contract should be filled so bobs can use his last special straight away. Should be quick cleanup after
    "cboath7;d-255124" wrote:
    Can someone pkease explain this?

    Exec mirror match. Ht rz and xb. Msin difference i have bossk at rz 7 other is r5.

    Reinforcements are both fett and ig. I have falcon and bomber which never come out. He has interceptor and ebon hawk. Int comes out on occasion hswk ive seen 2x in about 15 fights.

    His piett was 335 to my 331 and all seemed even. He redid his to 318 and he nearly always goes first now and even when i go first he always outspeeds me to the death star and im done.

    What am i missing here? Are unused reinforcements affecting the fight or is it something else?

  • "crzydroid;c-2350795" wrote:
    "cboath7;c-2350792" wrote:
    Both R8 Execs, 192, my rc/xb is 180/181, his 179/180
    (someone told me at even speed exec's Pietts speed factored in)

    He is not using his EH until after the death star comes out.

    This is what's puzzling me.there no indication from the ships at all of any real difference, but somehow he hits harder/faster.

    If you're tied for speed, it's a coin flip who goes first, but you could of course have bad streaks where you go second many battles in a row.

    If he's going first, he may be hitting RC contract first, which would give his ships a boost over yours.

    Last couple days, when I go first he still gets contract first. That's what's puzzling me. My ships are ever so slightly faster, yet he seems to always be faster and hit harder.

    I always pull IG first as I don't have EH. Fett is second. He pulls Fett first most of the time. Usually IG or Interceptor second for him.

  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "Sewpot;c-2350796" wrote:

    If you go second then your tooth will go first after enemy executor does it’s aoe. When it’s your turn (tooth) focus enemy tooth first with your HT. Use his special. Then it’s your executor turn and focus aoe on enemy RC. First reinforcement should be IG. Always call assist IG and use his basic always. The double tapes get you ahead in contract faster. Second reinforcement is boba. By this time contract should be filled so bobs can use his last special straight away. Should be quick cleanup after

    Never used this strat before. Glad to hear there are different ways to secure the win !
  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    Tried and didn'y work for me. I guess it's for specific comps, probably if you have high relic pilots and strong dps that goes with it.