Forum Discussion

Gifford_Alex's avatar
5 years ago

Fleet arena: Malevolence

Just after some feedback, please.

Like most people that use Mal, I start with Sun Fac Geo fighter, Vulture Droid and Hyena Bomber.

I only ever face Negotiator and because most people have GK at high relics plus Anakin , 5s and Ahsoka, I'm usually hopelessly out sped at the start of the battle. I often lose my Vulture Droid before taking a turn.

For this reason I have Hounds Tooth as my first reinforcement. My experience with the Malevolence up until this point is needing to weather the storm and then turn the tide late in the battle.
I'd like to drop Hounds Tooth but think I'd be very flaky without it.

So what are other Malevolence users using?

Squad and gear level:

GG is r6
Vulture Droid 7*
Hyena 6*
Boosk is G12
Geo Spy is R5
Geo Soldier is G12
I also use 5s in the final.slot who is r3.


10 Replies

  • I have a 5★ Mal. The key is to get your vulture droids to die fast so it feeds your cap ship turn meter to get to the ult faster.

    My starting lineup is 7★ Sun fac, Vulture droid and hyena bomber. My first reinforcement is almost always Geo spy to get around the taunt. By the time my 2nd reinforcement comes it depends on tge health of my ships. If theyre all pretty low I call in HT. If they are healthy and can take the negotiatior bombing run and survive, I call in geo soldier to mop up their team. In most cases though I call in HT and last reinforcement is Geo soldier.

    GG is R5, everyone else is g12.
  • Iy4oy4s's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    5 years ago
    I bring in HT as a second reinforcement. Bringing in spy as the first and hopefully getting that taunt on JKA is a win. If it doesn’t happen, then bring HT to weather the storm as you said.
  • thomssi1970's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 years ago
    I have a 6* Mal. GG is r5. Openers are Sun Fac, Vulture and Hyena (except to get the no reinforcement feat when I replace vulture with Geo Spy, vulture droids spawn anyway so feat was pretty easy, their spawning doesn't count as a replacement for that if that helps anyone).

    Geo spy is first replacement. Usually kills someone on entrance that isn't HT. Other two are IG-88 and Geo soldier. Currently in that order, used to be other way round.

    Malevolence gives bonus (overcharge) to separatists and droids. Those are the only separatist and droid ships and they are all good anyway. Anyway, that fleet maximises stacking overcharges. My IG-88 is the weakest GP wise but still ok. Sun Fac and Spy are both R5 I think and soldier is G12+5.

    Will get 7* next TB, maybe sooner, am 10 shards short. As things stand will likely use HT, may try y-wing as an anti-HT option. The above kills every other ship extremely fast as soon as some buzz droids around, it is only getting round HT that takes any time. It is rare to need the last ship even at 6* with one less so those abiities likely matter more as an option than just an extra body. I'm sort of hoping there is another sep or droid ship coming to max benefits from Mal but in mean time one of those and as said, doubt they would all be called anyway. Possibly use y-wing while climbing then switch to HT with last go. Bossk is G12 FWIW. I should note I have never used HT because until recently my Bossk was garbage. It is still always picked for platoons. Anyway, I think my line up is preferable anyway all other things being equal and I am not intending to swap it in for IG-88 even though in theory it is now stronger (ignoring Mal bonuses).
  • thomssi1970's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 years ago
    Each to their own. Isn't often needed and does the job. The fact it has the overcharge advantages and vulture droids assists though are probably more important than the ship's kit itself as far as I am concerned. Still, if you prefer one ship to attack rather than 3 or 4 then entirely up to you.

    Either way, what OP is doing wrong is not using spy as first reinforcement.
  • thomssi1970's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 years ago
    Let us know how it goes and whether you notice much more success.
  • "thomssi;c-2111778" wrote:
    Let us know how it goes and whether you notice much more success.

    Will do!
  • My ships are all 7*; 88 and Sun Fac are R5, Anakin and GG R7; Geo Spy, Saxon and ISC are G12+.

    I use Hyena, Vulture and Sun Fac as starter, Spy is always my first reinforcement. Second one depends, with a lot of debuffs on my teams i prefer Gauntlet. When my ships are at low health i use 88, if i'm doing fine i take Anakin for massive damage and Buff Immunity. I always try to get Buff Immunity on enemies HT at the start of the battle. Win ratio is like 14/15 against Negotiator.

    And a lot of people tend to forget that Hyena can ignore taunt, you can kill of an enemy ship easily that has Buzz Droids on it if your side is full with Separatist ships.

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