They nerfed Reaper to pointlessness and Tie dodge by 50%. They did nothing about the atrocities that is Biggs who is famous in cinema history for being one shot by vader... but he’s a tank here. Yeah ok. They stated they wanted to eliminate cookie cutter tendencies and now my shard looks even more identical than it did before. So fail there.
HOWEVER... they did do some useful ship upgrades I absolutely like! A lot of LS got buffs sure cause a lot of them were useless (resistance xwing still is) and are now viable. Cool, balance and all. Geonosians got a huge buff too! I noticed some serious buffs that people haven’t said anything about and I’m likely to keep mum about till I shock my shard with it because it is so stinkin funny to roll over everyone with a Kansas City shuffle in the fleet arena. xD
Anyway... Biggs... is why I have such an easy time killing Vader, Biggs, Tie, Chimera teams. He’s the Achilles heel the (people who only follow) have no freakin clue about.
All in all... I do like the update I’m some aspects, but dislike it in other aspects. They really did ruin a couple ships and honestly, Slave1 is still nowhere near the level he should be.