I used fotp tfp and biggs for the front lineup and vader cassian boba reaper as reinforcements. Fotp, tfp have 3 extra gears at g12, vader is at g12, fotp zetaed. Death trooper g12, shoretrooper g10, boba g9, cassian trio g8.
There was no particular strategy that I've found exceptionally noteworthy but one thing I found was that using squishy ships in the front lineup might be a bad idea. I suggest using fives, imperial tie, biggs as the initial lineup. Enemies tend to target the most vulnerable ship in my lineup during their initial streaks of attacks and my fotp or vader died before having a single turn. This was when my phone nearly met the wall. Also upgrading vader's reinforcement ability to lvl3 and use him as 1st backup if that's available. The offense down really cusions your ships from all the insane dps from enemies.
I got 3stars on all ship nodes yesterday, but I had to fail several times in some of the stage 5 hard battles and normal 5 E. The rest of the normal battles were all cleared on first try but some at 2 stars at first
Difficult nodes: 5F Hard, 5A Hard, 5C Hard, 5E normal